Final Fantasy XV, Wolfenstein Youngblood and Death Squared Coming to Xbox Game Pass

3 new games coming to Xbox Game Pass

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 05, 2020

Xbox Game Users are getting some new games soon. With Final Fantasy XV, Wolfenstein Youngblood and Death Squared being added to the service.

Xbox Game Pass,NoobFeed,February 2020,

Final Fantasy XV has players taking a road trip. With Prince Noctis and his friends heading to the Prince's wedding to prevent war. Unfortunately, things don't go as intended. This is just the core game and those who play it will notice unfinished parts. You'll need to play the entire DLC expansions found in the Royal Edition to get the complete experience.

Wolfenstein Youngblood is a cooperative shooter that has the player controlling 1 of BJ's twin daughters. The twins head to Paris to save their father but must also join the resistance to take back Paris from the Nazis. The game was heavily criticized for its poor AI, the heavy microtransaction system, extremely poor RPG system, and weak characters. Just avoid playing this game.

Death Squared is an entertaining cooperative puzzle game made for 2-4 players. The goal is to keep everyone alive during these life and death situations.

This does mean that several games are leaving the service to make room for the new games. The following games are leaving the service soon:

Disney Epic Mickey 2

Jackbox Party Pack 2

Pumped BMX Pro


Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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