LittleBigPlanet Vita's official release date is September 25th, but it may be available earlier than expected. Some retailers are receiving copies early as production on the game was done ahead of schedule.

On Friday, a representative from Sony told Game Informer:

"Production on LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita was completed earlier than expected and due to the excitement from our retail partners, we have moved from a street date to a launch date, which means that retailers can sell the game once they receive product."


If you pre-ordered the game you will get a BioShock and Knights of Old costume pack.


Personally, I was so excited for LittleBigPlanet Vita that I went ahead and pre-ordered it. Yesterday evening I received a text message from GameStop telling me my order will be available Friday evening.

It's unknown what retailers will be selling the game early and when, but Sony is assuring LBP fans that the game will be available at all retailers on September 25th. Those lucky ones who pre-ordered will get to dress up Sackboy as Big Daddy days before anticipated.

Megan Bethke, NoobFeed.
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  • Picking up my copy now! I was the one and only person that pre-ordered it at my local GameStop. As soon as I called the guy was like, "Hey Megan, I forgot to call you. It's here."

    Thanks, dude.

    Posted Sep 15, 2012

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