With only three weeks left until the release of Bethesda's Dishonored, some goodies are being released on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Store.

Bethesda announced Xbox Live will be offering a Dishonored theme, avatar costumes, pets, and animations. The items will cost 240 MS Points ($3.00) or 400 MS Points ($5.00) and include the following:

•    Corvo Costume (Unisex): 400 MSP
•    Corvo Mask (Unisex): 240 MSP
•    Assassin Costume (Male Only): 400 MSP
•    Windblast Avatar Animation: 240 MSP
•    Devouring Swarm Avatar Animation: 240 MSP
•    Wolfhound Avatar Pet: 240 MSP
•    Dishonored Premium Theme: 240 MSP

Imagine your Avatar decked out in Corvo's gear.

Although the PlayStation Store is not offering as many items as XBL, Bethesda has announced PS3 users will be able to purchase a kick ass looking theme. The new Dishonored Dynamic Theme features the games protagonist Corvo with the city of Dunwall creeping in the shadowy background. The theme is set to cost $2.99.

Dishonored Dynamic Theme available this week for $2.99.

Expect these delightful downloads later this week. Be sure to keep up to date on the latest Dishonored videos on NoobFeed's YouTube channel.

Megan Bethke, NoobFeed.
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  • know what i want...From xbl, cheaper prices. from bethesda, fallout 4!!!

    but seriously, this looks ubber hawt.

    Posted Sep 19, 2012

  • I've never been more excited for a game, Dishonored just pulled me in.

    I've never been much for paying to dress up my avatar, but a dishonored theme...I could see buying that in the future.

    Posted Sep 19, 2012

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