The Quiet Man PC Review

The Quiet Man fails to deliver anything worth experiencing and by the end, you'll be left wondering what exactly happened.

Reviewed by Grayshadow on  Nov 02, 2018

Since its reveal, The Quiet Man relied on its enigmatic nature to generate enthusiasm. However, the final game is a messy combination of lengthy cutscenes, an obscure story, and dull combat. The Quiet Man fails to deliver anything worth experiencing and by the end, you'll be left wondering what exactly happened.

The Quiet Man,NoobFeed,Square Enix,Human Head Studios,

The Quiet Man mixes together live-action cutscenes and rendered gameplay and attempts to deliver a high-production live-action realistic title. What follows is a series of boring combat situations and extensive cutscenes where the player is left guessing about what exactly is happening.

Protagonist Dane is deaf and a highly skilled fighter. It's clear that he understands what people are saying and can interact just fine but for some reason, there's no subtitles or inner voice to give the player context for what's happening. Since the cutscenes are frequent and can last over 10 minutes seeing everything transpire and having to guess what exactly is happening is annoying. Square Enix is providing an audio update next week but why this wasn't available at launch is puzzling. 

Combat occurs are the primary form of gameplay and is basic. You can button mash your way through much of it and use slo-mo finishers to perform flashy attacks like from an action movie but its the bare minimum. The boss fights themselves rarely differentiate themselves and can be completed with the same tactics as normal enemies, which strangely all look the same. 

The Quiet Man,NoobFeed,Square Enix,Human Head Studios,

The Quiet Man can be completed in about 3 hours but it's an extremely underwhelming experience. The combat is barely entertaining and the long cutscenes will have you sighing with boredom as you attempt to figure out what exactly is going on. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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