Undertale PlayStation 4 Pro Review
Undertale is a different type of RPG that takes a lot of risks that create a fascinating game where you can spare the creatures you're supposed to kill
Reviewed by Grayshadow on Aug 18, 2017
Undertale isn’t any RPG I’ve played. Instead, it twists dedicated concepts such as experience and defeating monsters into something different, allowing you to avoid killing anything if you choose to. The story plays parallel to this system and crafts the story base on your actions, encouraging multiple playthroughs. Undertale is a unique RPG that challenges the traditional sense of what an RPG is.
Undertale takes place in the Underground, a massive subterranean cave where monsters live separated from humans by a magical barrier. The player stumbles into this world and must escape to the surface either through killing monsters to choosing to be merciful. This is where Undertale shines.
Like the mercy system, Undertale’s combat system is also different. In fights, Undertale takes on the characteristics of both RPG and platformer. You’ll still attack, take damage, and restore health using items but with a twist. Attacking brings up a meter that determines where your swing lands but when going on the defense things change. A screen appears with a heart and the player must now avoid obstacles using platforming to prevent damage. Coupled with an outstanding soundtrack battles are the best part of Undertale.
Battles are visually impressive, especially boss fights, but the exploration portion of the game is far from it. Graphically Undertale isn’t impressive, in fact, it looks pretty dull. But it’s a minor dispute since the game’s gameplay more than makes up for it. Especially considering the story has multiple endings with different paths to take.
The story of Undertale is bewildering but never boring. The characters are colorful and teeming with personality but at times I was confused about what exactly was happening. Some segments happen at random, like going on a date with one of the characters, and don’t seem to serve a purpose.
Seeing the story shift was the most exciting part of Undertale. Not only depending on my choices but certain story elements only become available at random during the start of a new game. This can be vexing since you could play Undertale multiple times and not see everything because this is random, but the idea that something new could happen kept me hooked with every new adventure.
Undertale is different from other RPGs. Taking mechanics that RPG fans have become accustomed to and changing them for a different experience. The story can become confusing at times but the dynamic combination between gameplay and story kept me invested in both. Undertale is a different type of RPG that takes a lot of risks that create a fascinating game where you can spare the creatures you're supposed to kill.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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