10 Best Most Annoying Hiding Spots in MW3

This might help if you’re getting repeatedly killed over and over again by the same guy but just can’t figure out whereabouts he is.

 by Fishdalf on  Jan 03, 2012


Following on from my last two Modern Warfare 3 articles on the 10 Thing's I Hate about the MW3 Multiplayer and Modern Warfare 3 Survival Mode Tips, I thought I would point out some of the trickiest spots where your enemy might be hiding out. This might help if you’re getting repeatedly killed over and over again by the same guy but just can’t figure out whereabouts he is. It might also help - and I’m not recommending this because I know how people get - but you could also use them yourself if you’re one away from an awesome killstreak and want to increase your odds of bagging that last point.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

The first spot if used correctly can easily get players a fair few kills, especially early on, where they are then able to start calling in choppers and the like to raise merry hell for you and your team. If you enter the shopping complex from the side with the large pile of rubble, where the escalators are just to your left, there’s a cubicle directly in front of you that can be jumped into. From here enemies can shoot you coming through the doors just mentioned, through the opposite doors leading to the stairs outside, and even get a sneaky peek at you coming up the escalators themselves. The way they rack kills up is with a simple crouch and prone combination, and if the team they’re up against doesn’t get wise to it they can stay there indefinitely.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

As people who play the game often will know, the area in the middle of the map is the place to be. It’s a small area accessible in three different ways. You can use the long pipe to access it, take the long path with the tractor at the end, or enter through the room at the top of the hill. It’s the latter than we will be focusing on as it can be a real pain in the backside if you’re not careful. The tip here is to get up on the stack of barrels in the centre of the room and lay prone, as to pick off anyone who gets near. Enemies reach the top by finding the lowest point, which is a single barrel in one of the corners and jumping there way up from there. The spot has an element of surprise because nobody is actually looking for people up there; they are too focused on who might be around each corner to pay the slightest bit of notice.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

There are a bunch of sneaky spots on this map, but most of them are common knowledge by now. The one I’ve noticed some people use against me though and it’s pretty hard to notice unless you are looking for it is inbetween trucks. There are two major places on the map where this is done, the first is behind the huge hanger door that’s ajar on the biggest outdoor section, and the second is at the top of the stairs by the catwalk that leads to the room with the forklift truck inside. What they do is use the ladder on the back of the truck to climb on its roof, and then drop down between the cabin and the trailer and wait for the next unsuspecting victim to pass.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

The other spot in Arkaden that some people like to use, although it isn’t as effective, is located in the small outside strip to the back of the map. If you exit into the area from the narrow ground floor shop - the one with the small wall separating it - then just to your left there is a trailer with a door that is slightly ajar. From here enemies can squeeze around the door and hide out in here waiting for you to pass, and then it’s a simple case of popping out, killing you, and then popping back in again.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

While this is one of the smallest maps on the game with very little space to get away from a direct engagement with your enemies, it didn’t take long for people to find a spot for a few cheap kills and it is located in the busiest area with the most gunfire and that’s directly in the centre where all the Humvees are. As you come out of the bunker section into this main area from the hole blown in the side of the hill, just to your left there are a few boxes sitting in some long grass. Lying prone here, especially with the Assassin perk equipped means many people won’t pay a blind bit of notice to that corner. It’s an easy spot for picking off enemies at mid-to-close range, as well as chucking a few grenades near the Humvees in order to get some kills via explosive damage.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

This spot is tricky to get to, but once up there it can spell trouble for you if you’re not careful. If you move into the long street where the shop front is at the summit - there’s only one shop on the map so it shouldn’t be tough - there’s a news stand towards the other end with a signpost next to it. This can be reached and opponents can lay prone in there, picking you off as you exit the shop side, or if you’re moving along the street with all the parked cars. The way they do it is by climbing the stairway behind the stand, jumping on to the sign, and then taking a running jump over to the stand. You mostly get snipers up here who use it as a superb vantage point, but you may also get hassle from players that are handy with an assault rifle.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

I thought people would have become wise to this hiding spot by now, but time after time I see my team running down this path, not looking where they’re going, and they’re quickly picked off. This one is located on the edge of cave section of the map. Now this is a tricky section to begin with as there are so many dark crevices to hide in, but what this particular place gives is a better vantage point for people entering the domain. There are four ways in and out of the caves, three are located towards the back edges and the fourth is towards the middle where you can trek downhill to a path that has a raised island next to it. This island can be mounted by running and jumping from above and is a particularly fruitful spot for snipers.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

Anybody who has played this map will have a fair idea where the creepy abandoned playground is located. Standing in there is not the best idea because you can be seen from an abundance of different angles. However, there is a doorway to a house across the street which is ideal for enemies to stand in and watch up the long street for people wandering towards them. It’s a vulnerable spot in respect to the staircase behind them, but a claymore to catch deterrents and the spot is good to go.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

The last hiding place causes a lot of people a lot of heartache and the odd rage quit after multiple deaths to the same guy. Where the main market stalls are located, there is a balcony overlooking the area, and below this balcony there is an L shaped darkened space where they stand. The easiest kills are the people coming down the steps from the other side of the map, because there is a long time to aim and get a shot off, whilst its hard to see back. I can’t count the amount of times the same guy has ran down the path after being killed to try and sneak up to catch his killer off guard and get his revenge, only to be shot dead a second, third and fourth time.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, COD, MW3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, COD: MW3, Call of Duty: MW3, COD: Modern Warfare 3, 10, Best, Most, Annoying Hiding Spots, Arkaden, Hardhat, Outpost, Arkaden, Dome, Resistance, Village, Fallen, Seatown, Resistance

The second spot here is inside the shop itself. If you jump on the counter and then face towards the door leading upstairs you will see a tiny little stand on the wall with enough space above it to position yourself. With a clever bit of jumping and crouching you can find yourself in a spot that nobody will expect you to ever be, with a clear view of the door and window outside, as well as people running passed you from the stairs exit. It’s not a spot people tend to stay in too long though as people cotton on to it fairy quickly.

Pictures courtesy of themodernwarfare3.com

Do you know of any other annoying hiding spots in the game?

Tell us about them on the comments section below.

Craig Bryan, NoobFeed
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Craig Bryan

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