Ara: History Untold | Top 10 Best Leaders to Play

Amongst 42 leaders, choosing might be hard, so here's the best of them.

Game Guide by Arne on  Oct 08, 2024

Leaders are crucial in Ara: History Untold. Each has unique traits, abilities, and historical backgrounds that shape your civilization. They can boost the military, economy, politics, or science. Choose a leader that aligns with your playstyle and goals.

In Ara: History Untold, you have the option between 42 different leaders, some of them being historical figures who didn't truly lead nations. So, there are many unconventional choices as well. It should be noted that at the hands of a good player, any of these leaders will work well, but some are better than others, and some have exceptional traits that make them the best.

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

10. Ram Khaemheng

Ram Khaemheng was the King of Sukhothai, a powerful Thai kingdom, in the 13th century. He is considered one of the most important figures in Thai History and is often credited with founding the Thai nation. Ram Khaemheng was a skilled military leader and diplomat, and this is reflected in his unique traits.

Unique Trait

White Elephants: Your Palace provides +1 Elephants per turn after you unlock any Elephant Unit. +25 Force Strength for Forces containing Elephant Units. +25% Harvest Production at Camps.

General Traits

Ambitious: -50% turn duration for Golden Ages.
Productive: +25% Build Production in your Capital.
Traditional: +20% bonus Prestige from constructing Triumphs.
Creative: +15 Prosperity in all Cities.
Spiritual: +15% Religion Spread Strength in all Cities.


Strengths: Ram Khaemheng's traits focus on economic development while keeping a strong military and good supplementary traits that boost other factors.

Weaknesses: Your early game is slowed down by the Ambitious trait, and your army's dominance will come from Elephants, which have a large upkeep.

Recommended Playstyle: Ram Khaemheng is a well-rounded leader who excels in economic development and military strength. His traits make him a strong choice for players who want to build a powerful and influential civilization.

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

9. Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus was a 16th-century Polish astronomer who proposed the heliocentric model of the universe, placing the Sun at the center. His groundbreaking work revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos and is considered a major turning point in the History of science.

Unique Trait

Revolutionary Thought: Observatories and Research Labs provide +10 City Knowledge per turn. +25% bonus Nation Research for 10 Turns after you earn a Paragon.

General Traits

Innovative: +10% Research per Turn in your Capital
Efficient: +20% Craft Production to all Crafting Improvements in all Cities.
Productive: +25% Build Production in your Capital.
Lavish: +2 available Merchants.
Creative: +15 Prosperity in all Cities.


Strengths: Copernicus's traits heavily focus on research and economic benefits, making her a strong choice for players who want to prioritize technological development.

Weaknesses: The traits also mean that you are reliant on research and generating Prestige through knowledge. If this is disrupted, you will lag behind. While Copernicus's traits offer long-term benefits, she may struggle in the early game due to her focus on research and development.

Recommended Playstyle: Copernicus is a powerful leader who excels in research and technological advancement. Her traits make her a strong choice for players who want to build a highly advanced and prosperous civilization. You should focus on a defensive early game and economic and research-based middle and late game.

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

8. Xerxes I

Xerxes I was a Persian king who ruled the Achaemenid Empire in the 5th century BC. He is best known for his invasion of Greece, which culminated in the Battle of Thermopylae and the subsequent defeat of his forces. Xerxes is also remembered for his lavish lifestyle.

Unique Trait

King of Kings: +1 Force Cap for each City you control. +50% War Strength for War Chariots and Mounted Scouts.

General Traits

Disciplined: +50% Build Production toward Government and Military Improvements.
Aggressive: +10% Strength to Forces outside your territory. Unlocks War of Annihilation War Type.
Cunning: -50% War Declaration Cost. Unlocks War of Annihilation War Type.
Rash: -20 Knowledge in your Capital.
Traditional: +20% bonus Prestige from constructing Triumphs.


Strengths: His traits are heavily focused on military strength, allowing him to control a large force and use it to conduct effective wars.

Weaknesses: The rash trait hinders his early game, and he is also very dependent on his military, leading to cases of overextension.

Recommended Playstyle: Xerxes I is a powerful leader who excels at military conquest and expansion. His traits make him a strong choice for players who want to build a dominant and aggressive civilization. You should try to balance development but ultimately keep a military and expansionist focus.

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

7. Cesare Beccaria

Cesare Beccaria was an 18th-century Italian jurist and philosopher. He advocated for the reform of criminal justice systems and argued against the use of torture and Capital punishment. Beccaria's ideas had a significant influence on the development of modern legal systems.

Unique Trait

Tyrants Never Read: -33% Research Cost of Government Technologies. +100% Craft Production toward crafting Books. Weavers, Artisan Studios, and their Upgrades provide +5 City Happiness and +5 Health after Books are unlocked.

General Traits

Collaborative: +3 Housing in your Capital.
Stately: +10 Happiness and +10 prosperity in all Cities while not at War.
Pacifist: -10% Strength to Forces outside your Territory.
Sage: +10 Knowledge in all Cities.
Persuasive: +5 Turn duration for Golden Ages.


Strengths: He is focused on the development of knowledge and technology, which is great for those who want intellectual advancement and to avoid wars.

Weaknesses: His lack of military traits and the pacifist trait itself make you have a weak military. You are also dependent on knowledge generation and research for Prestige.

Recommended Playstyle: Cesare Beccaria is a powerful leader who excels in intellectual development and cultural prosperity. His traits make him a strong choice for players who want to build a peaceful and prosperous civilization. You should also focus on having a strong defense.

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

6. Tamar the Great

A 12th-century queen of Georgia, bringing an age of prosperity and cultural affluence. She is renowned for pretty much everything, from her military prowess and diplomatic skills to her patronage of the arts. Her reign is considered to be a golden age of Georgian History, and she is revered as one of the greatest rulers in the region.

Unique Trait

Whom The Sun Serves: +25% Build Production toward Military, Religion, and Commerce Improvements. +15 City Prosperity and +10 Security in all Cities during the Golden Ages.

General Traits

Independent: +1 Housing in non-Capital Cities.
Formidable: +20% Strength to Forces within your Capital.
Sage: +10 Knowledge in all Cities.
Creative: +15 Prosperity in all Cities.


Strengths: Her traits give you a balanced development and advancement, benefiting greatly from the Golden Ages.

Weaknesses: She's not too effective in the early game, and her traits make her incredibly reliant on the Golden Age mechanic.

Recommended Playstyle: With Tamar, you should aim to do a lot in the Golden Age. You excel in development, so focus on that.

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

5. Osh-Tisch

A remarkable Crow Warrior and spiritual leader who defied traditional gender roles. As a bade, she participated in many battles and held ceremonial roles. She was the last of the bades of the Crow Nation.

Unique Trait

Bade Warrior: +1 Force Speed and +1 Sight for Settlers, Mounted Scouts, Harquebusiers, and Dragoons. +33% Craft Production at Artisan Studios, Weavers, and their Upgrades.

General Traits

Formidable: +20% Strength to Forces within your Capital.
Efficient: +20% Craft Production to all Crafting Improvements in all Cities.
Charismatic: +1 Golden Age Points per turn.
Traditional: +20% bonus Prestige from constructing Triumphs.


Strengths: Osh-Tisch offers a good balance between military, economic, and cultural playstyles 

Weaknesses: You lack good traits for the early game, making you weaker in that phase.

Recommended Playstyle: You should be aggressive and expand a lot. Use all that space to focus on building triumphs.

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

4. Wu Zetian

Wu Zetian was a powerful Chinese empress who ruled during the Tang Dynasty. She was the only female emperor in China's History and oversaw a period of prosperity and cultural flourishing.

Unique Trait

Share My Glory: The palace provides +25 City Prosperity and +25 Health, your Monument provides +25 City Prosperity and +25 Happiness, and Amphitheatres, Theatres, and Opera Houses provide +15 Happiness and benefit from +20% Build Production.

General Traits

Independent: +1 Housing in non-Capital Cities.
Stately: +10 Happiness and +10 prosperity in all Cities while not at War.
Charismatic: +1 Golden Age Points per turn.
Persuasive: +5 Turn duration for Golden Ages.


Strengths: Your traits make you a cultural powerhouse, significantly boosting those buildings. Your other traits promote the Golden Ages.

Weaknesses: Her lack of early-game traits makes her less useful in the early game. You are also dependent on cultural buildings.

Recommended Playstyle: Focus on cultural buildings and utilize the Golden Ages. Be as defensive as possible.

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

3. Harun Al-Rashid

He was an influential Caliph of the Abbasid dynasty and is considered one of the most powerful rulers in Islamic History. He is best known for his patronage of the arts, sciences, and culture. He is also very popular in Arabian folklore and literature.

Unique Trait

House of Wisdom: Academies provide +2 Research per turn. Research Agreements provide +10% Research.

General Traits

Charismatic: +1 Golden Age Points per turn.
Traditional: +20% bonus Prestige from constructing Triumphs.
Charitable: +15 Prosperity in your Capital.


Strengths: His traits allow you to quickly focus on research and benefit greatly from cultural and economic development.

Weaknesses: Your main bonuses are all tied to your research, and you don't get it until much later as Academies get unlocked in the mid-game

Recommended Playstyle: Prioritize research and technological advancement, and always try to be ahead of the rest of the nations.

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

2. Genghis Khan

A 13th-century Mongolian Warlord, he founded the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous land empire in History. He is known for his military conquests, political reforms, and cultural impact. Genghis Khan's leadership and military strategies revolutionized warfare and left a lasting legacy on the world.

Unique Trait

Lord Of The Steppes: Cavalry Units provide +25% Force Strength. Infantry, Ranged, and Cavalry units provide +1 Force Speed.

General Traits

Aggressive: +10% Strength to Forces outside your territory. Unlocks War of Annihilation War Type.
Cunning: -50% War Declaration Cost. Unlocks War of Annihilation War Type.
Unyielding: +5 bonus Force EXP from defeating enemy forces. Unlocks War of Annihilation War Type.
Adventurous: +1 Speed to Scouts.
Resplendent: -15 Prosperity in your Capital


Strength: You have great bonuses to your military, allowing you to have the most dominant military in the game.

Weaknesses: You have a risk of naturally overextending with your military, and you are pretty dependent on the military.

Recommended Playstyle: You should focus on your military, especially cavalry units, and be extremely aggressive. 

Ara: History Untold, Guide, Noobfeed

1. Catherine the Great

A Russian Empress, Catherine the Great is considered one of the most powerful and influential women in Russian History. She oversaw a period of significant political, social, and economic reforms in Russia. She is known for her patronage of the arts and sciences and for her expansionist policies.

Unique Trait

Siberian Expanse: +1 City Cap. +2 Force Speed for Settlers. Your Gathering Halls and their Upgrades provide an additional +1 Food and +1 Timber per turn.

General Traits

Innovative: +10% Research per Turn in your Capital.
Efficient: +20% Craft Production to all Crafting Improvements in all Cities.
Charismatic: +1 Golden Age Points per turn.
Lavish: +2 available Merchants.
Persuasive: +5 Turn duration for Golden Ages.


Strengths: What makes her really good is her initial city cap and force speed for settlers, which allow you to expand rapidly from the onset. These are augmented by traits that improve her all around.

Weaknesses: Naturally, you are tied to your unique trait, making you very dependent on being able to expand to really benefit.

Recommended Playstyle: You should play defensively while expanding rapidly; your expansion is also tied to growing rapidly and exploiting trade with your merchants.

Check out our review for Ara: History Untold at:
Ara: History Untold Review

Mezbah Turzo

Editor, NoobFeed

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