The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope - How to Save Everyone

Save everyone's life

 by Grayshadow on  Oct 31, 2020

In The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope, you're charged with fending off your demons but to get the game's best ending you'll need to beat your demons. Here's how to make sure everyone survives.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope,NoobFeed,Bandai Namco,

Each person has a specific fight that will leave them making a decision, to either ask for help or attempt to be heroic and face their own demon. These scenes are mandatory for each character if they survive until that scene. These decisions are usually labeled as "Heroic" or "Reassuring" and the opposite being labeled "Fearful" or "Resentful".

1. Angela

When John faces his demon alongside her demon when about to enter the ruined home. Simply stand by John by choosing "Reassuring".


2. Daniel

When inside the Textile Mill, make sure to complete the QTE when Daniel is on the pipe. Pick Reassuring to ensure his survival at the end of the game.


3. Taylor

After the church makes Daniel follow the "sound" to locate Taylor after she's attacked. Choose to be "Heroic".


4. John

When inside the home and holding back the demon at the door. Choose to hold the door alone by picking "Heroic".


If you choose to be heroic and face your demons alone, not risking anyone else, everyone will live and you'll get an achievement for saving each person.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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