2K Games Acknowledges Mafia Trilogy's Poor Performance

2K and Hangar13 released a notice about Mafia Trilogy's state

News by Grayshadow on  May 28, 2020

Currently, players can replay Mafia II and through the Mafia Trilogy. Those hoping for a remastered and ideal experience were greeted with a buggy and technically flawed title. With users complaining of texture problems, heavy pop-ins, and many other problems. 2K Games have addressed the issue with a public statement.

Mafia II,NoobFeed,2K games,

"We want to sincerely thank the Mafia community for your excitement and feedback about the Mafia: Trilogy. We've learned of some reports concerning potential issues for the Definitive Editions of Mafia II and III, and we've actively working to investigate these reports and will provide updates as soon as possible."

Fans in the comments are forgiving since 2K was forward about the issues. However, some are still concerned about Mafia: Definitive Edition, which launches this August 28th, that it'll have similar issues.

Mafia: Trilogy is now available for PS4 and Xbox One.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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