July 2021 Games With Gold Includes Conker Live and Reloaded

Microsoft is providing some good games for July

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 30, 2021

Sony has been killing it with its PlayStation Plus service whereas Microsoft has been focusing more on Game Pass instead of Games with Gold. The upcoming selection does include a healthy list of titles including the cult hit Conker Live and Reloaded

Games with Gold,NoobFeed,

Conker Live and Reloaded was a remake of Conker's Bad Fur Day and was received well. The most appealing was the online option which players cannot play anymore since the service was shut down back in 2010. All Xbox 360 and Xbox games provided through Games with Gold are backward compatible with Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles.

Planet Alpha ($19.99 ERP): Available July 1 to 31

Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break ($29.99 ERP): Available July 16 to August 15

Conker: Live & Reloaded ($9.99 ERP): Available July 1 to 15

Midway Arcade Origins ($19.99 ERP): Available July 16 to 31

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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