PlayStation 5 Reaches 10 Million Consoles Sold, Most to Scalpers
The PS5 hits a massive milestone, mostly due to resellers
News by Grayshadow on Jul 28, 2021
Let's face it, the PS5 has been one of the most difficult things to get since its launch. Along with the Xbox Series X, the consoles have been purchased by scalpers in mass quantity and resold at unreasonable prices. Now Sony has confirmed the console has reached 10 million sales.
Many gamers went online to vent their frustration with the issue. Many retailers have been doing little to address the issue, with scalping becoming more problematic. Recently Metroid Dread Special Editions and amiibos have been pre-purchased on mass and being resold on eBay for 3x the asking price.
If that wasn't enough Valve's Steam Deck was also suffering the same issue. Steam only allowed those with a Steam account older than a month to buy one, which made it harder to resllers. Even then scalpers attempted to capitalize on the item but due to eBay's policies about users needing to ship the product within a week of the listing and no word on when the item will be shipped force eBay to take down the listings.
It's a double edge sword situation. On one hand, Sony and retailers still make the sale on the item regardless of who purchases it but when someone can purchase an entire stock using a bot program without issue. Something has to change.
Sony may have won big with the PS5 but most gamers lost.
Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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