Elden Ring Gets a Board Game Adaptation

Call your friends, Tarnished!

News by Yagmur on  Sep 19, 2022

A recent collab between Bandai Namco and Steamforged Games revealed that the critically acclaimed FromSoftware game Elden Ring is getting a board game adaptation! If the collaboration sounds familiar to you, you might have heard of the Dark Souls board game- This is the same company that made the said game. So, it is not a novice company gaining the rights of an incredibly big game, this is an experienced board game company, and the fans are hopeful.

Steamforged Games have also adapted other video games to board games, such as Horizon Zero Dawn, Resident Evil 3, RuneScape, and Devil May Cry. The campaign will be launched on Kickstarter soon.

Elden Ring, Bandai Namco, Steamforged Games, FromSoftware

“In a vast, sprawling world of decaying grandeur that unfolds through your exploration, you'll embark on a huge and varied adventure, visiting iconic locations and crossing paths with familiar enemies and characters. Play solo, or with up to three other Tarnished,” states Steamforged in their newest blog post. Furthermore, according to the same blog post, the combat of the game is going to be “dice-free”. Steamforged also mentions that the board game is going to adapt some of our favorite Elden Ring bosses to the board game version.

No other information is available as to the board game as of now, but both video and board game fans are rejoicing the news. As of now, the project is waiting to be launched on Kickstarter. If you want to be informed the moment it launches, you can sign up here. More than ten thousand people are waiting in line to buy the game as soon as it launches.

Considering the fact that the Dark Souls board game adaptation by the same company only took three minutes to reach its goal, we are definitely curious as to how this one will play out.

Yagmur Sevinc (@yagmursevvinc)
Editor, NoobFeed

Yagmur Sevinç

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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