Redfall’s Documents on the Development Cycle Further Proves Its Incompetent Design

We are not surprised after learning how Arkane coped with the harsh development process.

By AtillaTuran, Posted 04 Jun 2023

Redfall, a newly released co-op shooter game with vampire themes, is making some notorious marks of itself recently and people were able to pick it’s questionable quality really fast after playing for a very short time. Despite being in the works for a quite a while, some new documents about its development indicated certain flaws with both publisher and the developers as soon as Redfall was officially started being worked on.

Problems started when Zenimax, who owns both Bethesda and Arkane, asked for a new multiplayer IP for their name in 2018. Arkane was tasked with this IP and despite being a well-known single-player developer, now they have taken the responsibility of making a game genre they have never explored before. Arkane’s previous title, Prey (2018) was a well done iteration of 2006’s classic Prey, however they struggled to catch interest. Feeling depressed, most of the developers who had a key role in Prey left the company, Arkane was very much understaffed in terms of being a game development company. On top of that, Zenimax’s orders to make a multiplayer game required almost three times more employees in Arkane that time too.

Redfall, Development Cycle, Arkane, Bad Quality, FPS, Vampires, NoobFeed

It was suggested that Arkane could hire new developers to keep themselves in tow, but lacking new members and low wages provided by Zenimax ultimately killed anyone’s interest in joining Arkane Studios. So, having barely any employees, and the rest of them specialized in singleplayer titles did not help developing Redfall. Zenimax was bought by Microsoft during the development, and Arkane hoped they’d cease the Redfall project altogether or ask the remaining employees to work on a new single player game.

The rest of the story is right here in front of us, with a disastrous release, Redfall will struggle to get back on its feet. Until then we’ll see how stuff will sort themselves out.

Atilla Turan
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information



Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Bethesda Softworks
Developer(s): Arkane Studios
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Release Date: 2022-05-02

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