Bungie Reveals New Information About The Taken King

Get ready for a lot of changes in Destiny

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 20, 2015

Today Bungie revealed all the major changes coming to Destiny when The Taken King launches on September 15. The expansion, costing $40, will modify many of the core aspects of Destiny.

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For those who missed the stream we’ve composed a list of everything you need to know:

 - A new sword called the Arch Edge will allow players to defend using L2 and is effective against Solar and Void attacks but ineffective against Arc.

- Ghost Shells will have special features that allow players to find spirit blooms and increase your stats such as intellect, discipline or strength.

- You can now hold 32 quests in your logbook.

- Vault space has been doubled, allowing Guardians to store 72 items as oppose to 36.

- Quests can be turned in anytime in the game.

- Class specific items will be perks built into them.

- Purchasing The Taken King will automatically level you to 25 with a special item called “Spark of Light”. This will boost you to the minimum level required to play The Taken King’s content.

- Factions must now be pledged, but can be swapped once per week. Once pledged you’ll gain reputation for that faction.

- Reward and reputation earned before The Taken King will carry over.

- Gaining levels though reputation packages with factions vanguard and crucible are guaranteed to have a legendary and increased chance of a shader drop.

- Both Vanguard and Crucible marks have been replaced with Legendary Marks, with no cap on how many marks can be earned a week. These are shared among all characters.

- Dismantling legendary items will provide Legendary Marks.

- Complete all 5 weekly bounties will grant access to Nightfall tier rewards, new bounties and quests available now. 

- Exotic blueprints will allow Guardians to recover anything you’ve lost using the new collection system and Exotic shares are shared across accounts.

- A select amount of year 1 exotics have been upgraded for year 2.

- Normalizing damage levels will not cause weapons to loose power, although numerical damage will change.

- The Cryptarch will sell legendary engrams for legendary marks. (He’s still a jackass those).

- You can try weapons out in the field through The Gunsmith.

- Gaining reputation or ranking with the gunsmith you get gamers a new gun every Wednesday from the Foundry Orders section of his inventory.

- All year 2 legendary and exotic gear can be bolstered by sacrificing other powerful weapons using the infusion system. 

This is only a taste of what The Taken King has to offer. Bungie has two more stream planned in the coming weeks, with next stream focusing on a new location called the Dreadnaught filled with Cabal and a new strike mission.

Destiny’s The Taken King is set to release on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4 and PS3 on September 15.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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