Rare Composer Would Love to Make Banjo-Kazooie 3 for Nintendo
We can dream can't we?
News by Grayshadow on Sep 07, 2016
The Nintendo 64 has some amazing games and perhaps one of the most revered games was the platformer Banjo-Kazooie. Starring an adventurous bear named Banjo and a smart month bird named Kazooie the duo would go on to star in several games. On Game Grumps the former composer for Rare, Grant Kirkhope, revealed information not known about the Banjo-Kazooie franchise.
According to Kirkhope the team took a majority of its platforming ideas from Twelve Tales: Conker 64.
"We were doing Dream and we had this really elaborate floor system where you could stretch the polygons on the floor to any shape, like a really elaborate landscape, but the N64 couldn’t run it it wasn’t powerful enough. We were continuing with the game but it wasn’t going very well. Conker was going at the same time and had this really fantastic early demo that they did which was very like a Banjo platformer."
After seeing what Twelve Tales: Conker 64 was becoming the head of Project Dream's development team decided to change same aspects, which cause Conker to fall behind because of experimentation.
Kirkhope went on to explain that he wasn't fully behind the idea regarding the future of the series.
"I didn't like it really. I didn't think it’s what we should've done. Tim Stamper’s idea was to remake the original game as a co-op and to remodel it all. A lot of senior guys on the team, me included, thought that was a bad idea so we sort of moaned about it quite a lot. And it went ahead a little bit and we said in all the time it would take to retexture all these levels and make it look great we might as well just do a newer game."
Kirkhope expressed interest in making Banjo-Kazooie 3, which he called Banjo Threeie, but cited that platformers weren't popular and people wanted shooters instead. Seeing the new threads Kirkhope doubted it would sell. Explaining that being the primary reason that Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts was made.
However, Kirkhope still expresses interest in getting the ex-Rare staff together to make Banjo 3 for Nintendo.
"I that all the ex-Rare staff, there’s lots of them about now, would just get together and form a company, and go to Nintendo and say “give us the money. We’ll make you Banjo 3 for the Wii U or whatever"”. Just make Banjo 3 like it should have been made back then and it would be great, and it would be great on the Wii U...like we should've been made back then. It'd be great, it'd be great on the Wii U."
As of now Rare and the Banjo-Kazooie franchise is owned by Microsoft. The last entry in the franchise, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, which takes place 8 years after the events of Bajo-Tooie received mixed reviews for not featuring key elements found in the previous games.
Many thought that Crash Bandicoot wouldn't see the light of day but Sony surprised everyone by officially announcing the PlayStation mascot's return for Skylanders and remastered versions of the first three Crash titles. If that happened maybe we'll see Banjo and Kazooie again one day.
Source: Game Grumps
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