IGN's Former Employee Filip Miucin Apologizes for Plagiarism

Former editor of IGN who plagiarized content officially apology

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 21, 2019

Back in 2018, IGN's Filip Miucin was caught plagiarizing a Dead Cells review from a YouTube channel Boomstick Gaming. The review was taken down, Miucin was terminated and later challenged the internet to find more information about other plagiarized sources including Kotaku editor Jason Schreier. The internet found multiple sources of Miucin's taking content from other sources and passing it as his own.

Filip Miucin would continue to post videos on his YouTube channel before going dark. Now, the former IGN employee posted another video laying out a proper apology for what happened. Miucin apologized to Boomstick Gaming, Nintendo Life, Nintendo Wire, Engadget, and Polygon for using their content as his own. 

Filip Muicin,NoobFeed,

This should've been the apology from the start. It provides closure to this long drawn out issue. This will be something that Miucin will have to live with for the rest of his career but owning up to one's mistake is the first step towards progress.

Update 4/22/2019

Miucin posted a new video to clarify some of the questions people asked. Miucin stated that due to the growing popularity of his channel he resorted to copying individuals who shared his opinion and whom he respected. That due to the growing size of his audience that he resorted to such tactics because of his lack of confidence in his own work. Miucin acknowledged that this was wrong and he shouldn't have taken this path.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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