Gears 5 Getting Some Much Needed New Character Skins

Gears 5 finally has some distinct skins

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 17, 2019

Gears 5's cosmetics, at launch, were extremely poor. Many of the character cosmetics were either a model from the single-player campaign or had very small detail changes. Now, the Coalition is finally adding some much-needed variety.

Gears 5,NoobFeed,The Coalition,

First off, 2 new skins from the Terminator: Dark Fate were added to promote the upcoming movie. With Mackenzie Davis, and the Rev-9 Terminator model joining the roster.

In addition, COG Gear, DeeBee, Warden, and Gears of War's General RAAM have been added. Each character is 500 Iron, which will take around 8-10 hours to earn through gameplay. Or purchase it using microtransactions. Because making the grind longer to encourage the sale of microtransactions isn't upsetting at all.

Each character has a unique challenge to complete if you want to unlock them through the totem system:

COG Gear: Get 200 assists as a COG Team character in Versus, Horde or Escape

DeeBee: Get 100 Reject kills in Horde or Escape

Warden: Eliminate 10 Wardens in Horde or Escape

General RAAM: Execute 30 COG characters as a Swarm character

Gears 5 is now available for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Game Pass. I reviewed Gears 5 and while I argue the game's campaign was a massive improvement from previous Gears of War games the finale left me vexed.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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