Dead Cells: The Bad Seed Gameplay Released

New gameplay footage for Dead Cells' upcoming DLC released

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 29, 2020

Dead Cells is considered one of the best rogue-like games available now. With DLC coming this February 11th called The Bad Seed. Now, the developers have released the first gameplay footage for the expansion.

Dead Cells,NoobFeed,The Bad Seed,

The gameplay footage shows off all the new areas, boss fights, and enemy encounters players will have to contend with. Along with a mysterious child for our protagonist that may or may not be his or hers. Honestly, the ending is a bit confusing.

Dead Cells is now available for PS4, PC, Xbox One, and Switch.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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