Borderlands YouTuber SupMatto Channel Terminated Following Take-Two Interactive Conflict

Take-Two Interactive gets YouTuber channel taken down

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 16, 2019

Recently, YouTuber SupMatto revealed information about how he interwined with a despite with Take-Two Interactive, the publisher behind Borderlands. SubMatto would reveal that Take-Two Interactive sent private investigators to his home and was faced with several DMCA takedowns following leaked information that he published about Borderlands 3. 

This caused issue among creators with some publications, such as Inside Gaming, stating that they had evidence of SubMatto leaking information in exchange for monitary gain. After SubMatto went public with the information the DMCA takedowns on his YouTube channel started to flood in by Take-Two Interactive. With his channel now terminated.

Borderlands 3,NoobFeed,Supmatto,

To put things into context, SupMatto and several other gamers noticed an extension for Twitch accounts in a Borderlands 3 trailer. Those who saw this posted the information on Reddit and waited for the channels to go live. Despite being private SupMatto and other people who able to extract information from the thumbnails, which were publicly shown. SupMatto would go on to post this information which led to Take-Two's actions.

When the public hit mainstream public eyes this started the Twitter hashtag, BoycottBorderlands3 which is still going on. A lot of the story is he said she said with Take-Two not officially showing this information that constituted this investigation. Leading many to create their own stories within this story.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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