Diablo 3 for Xbox One in Development, Not Finalized for Release
Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition is up and running on the Xbox One.
News by Grayshadow on Mar 25, 2014
Lead producer for Diablo 3, Alex Mayberry, has announced that Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition is up and running on the Xbox One, however, its release date is unknown.
"I don't know where we are with Microsoft right now so I can't really comment on what that contract looks like," Mayberry told VIdeogamer this morning. "The point is we are developing for Xbox [One] and PS4 simultaneously. We hit those major platforms and then our goal as a development team is to make them run."
Blizzard revealed last year that the port will feature content from the upcoming expansion pack, Reaper of Souls, in addition to a redesigned interface better suited for consoles and expanded social features. As for a release date, Mayberry stated that the release is "not far off."
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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