Diablo 3 for Xbox One in Development, Not Finalized for Release

Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition is up and running on the Xbox One.

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 25, 2014

Lead producer for Diablo 3, Alex Mayberry, has announced that Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition is up and running on the Xbox One, however, its release date is unknown.

Diablo 3,Reaper of Souls,Xbox One,PS4,Activision Blizzard,Sony,Microsoft,NoobFeed

"I don't know where we are with Microsoft right now so I can't really comment on what that contract looks like," Mayberry told VIdeogamer this morning. "The point is we are developing for Xbox [One] and PS4 simultaneously. We hit those major platforms and then our goal as a development team is to make them run."

Blizzard revealed last year that the port will feature content from the upcoming expansion pack, Reaper of Souls, in addition to a redesigned interface better suited for consoles and expanded social features. As for a release date, Mayberry stated that the release is "not far off."

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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