Google Stadia Shutting Down 2023

Direct purchases from the Google Store will be refunded.

News by Fragnarok on  Sep 30, 2022

Google General Manager Phil Harrison announced that Google Stadia will be fully shut down come January 2023. The decision was made after seeing that the platform has not made enough traction in the three years since launch. Players will still have access to all of their games until that ending point. Any purchases made directly from Google will be available as a full refund via the Help Center. Customers that used a third party will likely be ineligible. Even after refunding and end of service, players can retain any hardware, including the Stadia controller for use with other machines.

Stadia|Google|Phil Harrison|Cyberpunk 2077|Pahtom Library

Harrison’s announcement may come as a sudden shock. The official Stadia team was engaging with the online community and teasing patch updates just days before the cancelation. CD Projekt was even demonstrating that the latest Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, Phantom Library, would fully work on Stadia. The blog further mentioned that “many: of the Stadia team will use the knowledge on other Google projects, but it is possible others will be let go or leave of their own volition.

Kurtis Seid, NoobFeed

Kurtis Seid

Contributor, NoobFeed

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