NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Free Weekend Confirmed

New updates and a free update for NARAKA: BLADEPOINT happening soon

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 14, 2022

NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is one of the most popular games on PC and those yet to try the game can play free this February 18th until the 22nd.


This comes with the debut of the new season called Echelon. If you like playing you can purchase the game for 30% off until February 25th.

Starting on February 13th, Echelon will introduce an electrifying fire and ice theme, teasing the arrival of a new female hero, Justina Gu, who will launch later into the season. Alongside this, the new seasonal event Spring Blooms will also be available, allowing players to collect Blossom Branches by completing in-game missions, which can be redeemed for exclusive Valentine’s Day rewards, including the special emote Envy, and Avatar Fate Entwined: Dawn/Fate Entwined:Eventide.

Lastly, a new Duo mode ranked mode is available and big changes to the Souljades system.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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