New Galarian Ponyta Form Revealed During Pokemon Sword and Shield Livestream

Ponyta gets a new cotton candy look

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 08, 2019

During a 24 hour livestream Nintendo and Gamefreak revealed the brand new version of Ponyta for Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Pokemon Sun and Moon,Nintendo,Game Freak,Ponyta,

According to Serebii:

The stream came to an end with two Ponyta (once again confirmed by the classic Ponyta cry) coming to the area, playing, and then running away. When the camera went black, you could hear a Rapidash. One of the Ponyta appears to lack a tail. It’s currently unclear why this is the case.

I already like the original Ponyta and also this new form. The horse has a lot more color. With the Pokemon's hair looking like cotton candy, I'm very interested to see what its final evolution looks like. It's also likely that this Pokemon won't be a fire-type, to me it looks like a fairy-normal type now.

The Gatarian Ponyta isn't the only new Pokemon being featured in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Recently, Farfetch'd got a new evolution form called Sirfetch'd that the internet to a major liking to.

In addition, it has been revealed that Pokemon Sword and Shield won't feature HMs, similar to Pokemon Sun and Moon, and have an option for autosaves.

Pokemon Sword and Shield launches on November 15th for Nintendo Switch.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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