Post-Launch DLC Coming to Days Gone

More content on the way for Days Gone

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 11, 2019

Days Gone releases in a few months and you're probably wondering if DLC is coming after the game launches, the answer is yes.

Days Gone,NoobFeed,Bend Studio,

In an interview with GamerBraves community manager David Lee confirmed that DLC will be coming to the title. However, Lee could not share many details, stating:

“We have unannounced DLC but we cannot tell you about it yet. So keep an eye out for that. With the main story, it should be sufficient enough to tell you the characters’ backstories that make you care for them one way or another.”

Lee also touched on how the game has changed since its debut at E3 2016. With changes to the UI and visuals along with some helpful tips. Like using Molotovs to easily destroy Freaker nests.

Days Gone is currently set to release exclusively for PS4 on April 26.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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