Ubisoft Provides Statement About Ghost Recon Breakpoint's Poor Status and Future Plans

Ubisoft reveals plans for Ghost Recon Breakpoint's post-launch updates following negative backlash

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 29, 2019

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is one of Ubisoft's most infamous titles next to Assassin's Creed Unity. The game launched in a broken state and was heavily monetized with game boosting microtransactions. The game instead was a grind fest and teeming with tedious objectives in an open world full of poor AI soldiers. Today, Ubisoft decided to provide what they plan to do about the feedback.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint,NoobFeed,

Hello Ghosts,

Since the launch of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, we’ve been listening to you. We have been carefully reading the conversations online, and have met some of our community members in person to discuss the game.

We can’t stress enough how much we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts about the game. And while these first weeks have been rougher than expected, we are taking your feedback to heart. We deeply care about this game, the Ghost Recon franchise and you, our community of players, and are committed to improving it.

Thanks to all the player feedback we gathered on the game and to our constant communication with our Delta Company community leaders, we are ready to communicate on where we currently stand, but more importantly, where we want to go.

Ubisoft went on to state they're planning to resolve the game's many technical issues first before diving into post-launch content. In addition to working on the game's economy, AI, and the new direction of the game.

We know that we have a lot of work ahead of us to get the game where you want it to be, and that not everything will be addressed or released as fast as all of you might like. Big changes can take time to make sure they are done right, but we still want to be as transparent as we can about the current state of development.

In order to ensure we are tackling the right topics at the right time, we are also looking into releasing a Community Survey that will help you to express yourself about the future content and improvements of the game.

To all of those who have jumped in and to those who are thinking about joining us – please continue to share you feedback. This is only the beginning and we look forward to the future together.

In the past, Ubisoft has attempted to resolve their own mistakes. As stated, Assassin's Creed Unity launched a myriad of issues. Requiring an absurdly large patch to fix everything. Ubisoft responded by giving all post-launch content for the game for free and refunding anyone who purchased the season pass with a free Ubisoft game.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is now available for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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