NoobFeed business card

By RON, Posted 07 May 2009

I was distributing some business cards at the gaming café last night and I felt like sharing my business card with you guys. I’m working on a policy by which you all can have NoobFeed business cards and other official acknowledgments.



the image quality went down a bit. the card is printed on good quality polished paper and logo and texts are glossy.  probably fishdalf or serbsta can describe it better.

comments powered by Disqus
  • i saw this on your facebook, very cool, after all, you made a great site, now you gotta respresent! :P

    Posted May 07, 2009
  • That's a really nice card...and I do have it with me...Smile

    Posted May 07, 2009
  • Great to see that you are advertasing the site, keep up the good work.

    Posted May 07, 2009
  • I want one. I would pass them around school. God its sick!:D Good work. I actually think it would be better to have these then the badges on here.

    Posted May 07, 2009
  • Very cool one, but I'm sure you already know that :)

    Posted May 07, 2009
  • It looks nice. Hopefully it will help build this site.

    Posted May 07, 2009
  • i want one... Mail it to me lol

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • I think a hard working site member like me deserves one. Besides. THOSE ARE SO BAD ASSSS!!! I want one, man I WILL PAY FOR ONE. SHIPPING AND ALL

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • avatar RON

    thanks guys. let me finish working on the policies and you all can have one of your own ;)

    forest: really! then i think it might be possible :)

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • Man anything is possible when your forest hump. I can have coitus with a forest for crying out loud.

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • It looks really great, I like it! :D

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • This looks pretty smooth.

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • i don't want my own. I want a one of yours

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • I have the one you gave and I show it to all my friends :) The first word comes out everyone mouth is WOW! it’s a cool card :o So, when am I getting one with my name printed on it :D

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • NoobFeed business card? AWESOME. :P

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • avatar RON

    aright. knight, i'll send you some :)

    you've never asked for any tanya :P

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • I like the design :) What policy you are talking about?

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • As the previews writer (is that my title, or what is?) I think I should probably have a business card as well.Tongue out

    Posted May 08, 2009
  • avatar RON

    @ SitiZal: is it is :)

    @ bluezy: who's said that you won't ;)

    Posted May 12, 2009

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