This is not about soccer

By RON, Posted 28 May 2009

It is quicker than I expected. We’ve reached level 3 in terms of page rank; in 3 and ½ months only! All the credit goes to you guys; who’ve made it possible in such a short period of time. Incase if you don’t know, what page rank is; then just Google it.

But our Alexa rating has been steady for a week. I think it’s time for you guys to start clicking this button at least once in a week. We cannot grow without your support. As simple as that.


Anyway, I went for shopping the other day and I bought some new T-shirts. Suddenly few ideas came to my mind. I’m share the ideas with you guys. So, let me know what you think of them.


1. NoobFeed T-shirts
    How much you are willing to pay for a T-shirt like this? Or what kind of T-shirts you’d buy?

NoobFeed Tshirt


2. NoodFeed Recognition
    Do you want your name written on this card? How much you’d spend to have something like this?

NoobFeed Business Card


3. Registered Member
    You have seen two new templates. Two more coming,
    You get a NoobFeed T-shirt,
    You get 1000 NoobFeed Business Cards,
    Special Emblem,
    limited Moderation, etc




Thanks in advance for you valuable feedback. Have a nice day today :)

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  • I would possibly become a registered member depending on the price.

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • Your advertasing skills are amazing.Keep up the good work. :D

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • I have always liked Plain Black T-shirt like this. Crocodile one costs about 15 USD in Bangladesh. So the price should be lesser than that.

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • avatar RON

    @ king: that's what my question was. how much you'd pay for a the package like this?

    @ canana: :)

    @ biZZy: if there's no transportation cost, then obviously the cost will be lower.

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • I'm on for everything no matter what the price is.Laughing

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • For a package like this i would like to pay around USD 10. Nd I think croco t-shirt gonna be expensive provided u r taking it into international market!!!

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • avatar RON

    @ koshai: did you mean the Registered Member package?

    @ Nivana: are you sure?

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • Yikes... 1000 cards?

    $10 USD seems like too little, to be honest. The shirt alone could go for almost $20 USD, the cards could go for a little over $10 USD, so I'd say around $35-40 USD. Seems like a lot, but for all the stuff you get, I think it'd be worth it.

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • Good ideas, don't know how much I'm willing to pay though.

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • You might consider making large,medium and small sizes for t-shirts,cause most of the girls like to wear small ones.

    And as long as the total package price is near about 50 USD,i'm fine with it.Smile


    Posted May 28, 2009
  • Beer NoobFeed...

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • This is not about soccer!If you intend to give the quality of business card, then my guess says that only the card will cost around $120. T-shirt of good quality will cost around $20-$30 and there’s transportation cost! I don’t see you can manage the full package less than $150; which is going to be very expensive. I’m willing to pay at best $70 for the complete package, which comes around 5,000tk in our local currency.  

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • if it's just a shirt 10. 20 at most if it's a polo shirt. for 1000 cards i'd say 10. and if membership is 25. I'd probably do it :) I am noobfeed loyal. But i'd have to wait until i get a credit card since i know my mom won't let me do it with hers -_-

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • The T-shirt and card look really awesome. However , as much as I like the site , I'm not really in the position to become a registered member yet. But , you won't get rid of me that fast :P

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • I would definately pay. I would say.. I dont know how much is reasonable so. Ill leave that to other memebers. I would become a registered member. If only for the emblem. You know I love trying to get those emblem. Would it be a month by month fee, or a one time fee. I rather enjoy the one time fee's more

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • avatar RON

    @ canana: LMAO. really?

    @ Knight: your calc says $55 for the full package. but $10 for 1k cards! you gotta be kidding me :o i wish i could show you the paper quality and the shades NoobFeed card has.

    @ Wooz: lol. no worries :) and, i know it won't be easy to get rid of you so easy :P

    @ Forest: once we calculate the actual rates, i'll publish them on the site. and, there'll be both monthly and yearly payment system, if we include this feature.

    @ Tanya: you’re being generous I suppose :)

    @ Din: let’s see what we can come up with :)

    @ Nirvana: point taken :)

    @ kelaidis: :)

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • After looking stuff up extensively online, I have determined the following:

    1: The shirt is worth about $20 USD, like I thought before.

    2: If the cards are as high-quality as I'm thinking, 1000 of them could go for $25-30 USD.

    3: Shipping for those could cost ~$10 USD

    4: Adding all that and everything else in, perhaps $65-75 USD will fit the bill.

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • There should be a secondary option of getting a T-Shirt instead of a Polo.


    Also, maybe you could offer less business cards, 1000 seems like a little much, and I also don't think registered members getting moderated less is very fair.

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • A T-Shirt like that maybe $10-$15. But if you can make one with a different material, not a Polo Shirt like above, and have it the colors of the site that would look good. It could have the Noobfeed logo and under it it say Ultimate Gaming Fuel.

    Business Card, I think 1000 is a bit high. maybe a smaller amount like 250. I would pay maybe $10.

    Registered member: maybe something small at first like $5 a month. But you can make it more as the site grows.

    What do you mean by limited moderation?

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • oh that kind of card. Let me cruch numbers.

    Shirt 10 - 30

    Cards 10 - 50

    ship fee 10 - 20


    30 - 100

    Trasportaion fee 20 (to USA)

    50 - 120

    Meh i think 85 would be reasonable. To be honest i'd like 100 cards, and a Shirt. Then with the membership i could rock out! I'm not sure i'd have to wait for my credity card to do it. I'd tell my mom it was for a big dinner for me and the guys (it would actually be me and the girls i hang with, but my mommy no know i've alot of girls that are friends)


    Highest i'd go would be 85, any more might be pushing it.

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • just let us use paypal to pay. Pretty Please

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • that t-shirt is EPIC WIN i would get it

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • avatar RON

    @ Din: that sounds fair enough to me.

    @ King: that polo shirt was just an idea. we'll definitely have some more verity on that.

    @ Elite: untimate gaming fuel will be there. that design is just an idea. limited moderation means 'i'm still not sure'

    @ knight: 85 sounds like a good bargain to me. we still need to do the cost analysis. i needed all your feedback and i'm happy to know that you're willing to spend $85 for the whole package.

    @ Forest: PayPal is a must ;)

    @ anihimrox: we'll introduce new designs soon.

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • So what is the sites Alexa Ranking?

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • 1. I think 20 Euro is a reasonable price for that t-shirt :) Consider long sleeves as well.

    2. Alreayd there :P Haven't printed them yet, thought that having our Game Database ready would be the best chance :)

    3. Well we can have 3-month, 6-month and 1 year membership. 75-80 Euro for a yearly membership sounds reasonable to me, with all the extras mentioned.

    P.S. Of course it's not a soccer blog :P "The famous ManUtd went to Rome to see the Pope..." :P

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • avatar RON

    @ FireEmblem: it's 441,221 atm.

    @ Ilias: both the points are taken in to account :) and, that song is definitely written by a Liverpool fan :x
    I KILL YOU Foot in mouth

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • If the score was written by a Liverpool fan, it would have been 5-0 :P

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • What about putting the site's logo on the t-shirt ?

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • avatar RON


    Posted May 29, 2009
  • And what about putting Liverpool's badge on the noobfeed t-shirt, along with 5 stars, just to show off the 5 European Cups ? :P

    And on a more serious note : Noobfeed's progress in Alexa is back on track, yay, keep up the good work everyone :)

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • @RON, $85 US, that would be like 100-ish canadaian. For a year that sounds great. Then after a year could the price lower, because you really do not need another t-shirt

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • avatar RON

    @ Ilias: yas! just jumped 30,000 in one day. impressive! a big LOL for the other idea. i should kill you many more time for that :P i feel like biting you now

    @ Forest: yes. it's obvious, isn't :)

    Posted May 29, 2009
  • Noob question: What's the Alexa rating?

    Posted May 30, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Alexa is a site that calculates your website ranking over all the website around the world. here's where you can see our standing.

    Posted May 30, 2009
  • I checked out the Alexia standings, haha 54% of our users are Greek apparently.

    Posted May 31, 2009
  • avatar RON

    True. Ilias took the challenge and he kicked my country out of that list. lol. you guys are also welcome to challenge him ;)

    Posted May 31, 2009
  • While i'm not sure on prices - i'll leave that to people with more knowledge of price markets - i want me a NoobFeed t-shirt. I'd never have the thing off.

    Posted Jun 03, 2009
  • All of this is still in its early stages. There will definetly be options when it comes to shirts etc, and personally i think paying anything over $50 is too much. With the membership you guys might include extras for members such as:


    1. Colored usernames

    2. Profile backgrounds

    3. Ability to upload video/images?


    Its all still on the drawing baords.

    Posted Jun 07, 2009

  • OMG. :O I was SERIOUSLY thinking about printing like 200 business cards on my own and passing them out at the anime convention I'm going to.

    Anyway, if we can really hardcore discuss this topic and get into this before May... I would love to pass out cards.

    Also for a T-shirt that's kind meh... $10. I would want a larger logo or my account name embroidered on it. Then I would pay $15-20

    Posted Feb 10, 2010

  • I would so pay $20 for a shirt like that. Awesome :)

    Posted Feb 11, 2010

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