5 Things You Should Know About Days Gone

What you need to know about Days Gone before it launches.

Games by Grayshadow on  Apr 08, 2019

Sony's exclusive library houses some of the best video games this generation, with Days Gone as the next big exclusive. Developed by Bend Studio, this survival-horror third-person action title will feature an extensive single-player adventure in which players attempt to survive a new apocalyptic nightmare. Two years after a zombie-like creature known as Freakers overwhelmed humanity, players take control of Deacon St. John, an outlaw turned bounty hunter who is attempting to survive the hostile new world.

With so many looking forward to this amazing game, we've done some research and uncovered five things you need to know about Days Gone. 

Days Gone, NoobFeed, Bend Studio, Gameplay, Screenshot

5. Seamless Open World

Like God of War, Days Gone will feature a seamless open world free of load times. This means players can travel between the interior of buildings without having to endure a load screen. This will keep the player engaged as this building houses valuable supplies, and judging from the recently released 1-bullet trailer; you're going to need every advantage.

Days Gone, NoobFeed, Bend Studio, Gameplay, Screenshot

4. Complete Side Events

Days Gone's story is expected, according to the developers, to be around 30 hours long. More if you want to complete everything. During the adventure, you'll come across survivor camps. These are not good people, and you'll need to clear them out if you want to establish fast travel points within the game.

In addition, dynamic events will occur, ranging from helping survivors to ambush attacks from hostile humans and Freakers. 

Days Gone, NoobFeed, Bend Studio, Gameplay, Screenshot

3. Take Care of Your Bike

Unlike most survival titles, the protagonist, Deacon, does have access to a vehicle. His motorbike is one of the most essential tools available to the player. It can be used to escape enemies, store ammo, respawn points, and even cover. But it's not invulnerable.

The bike can be damaged and run out of gas. This means raiding camps and occasionally making repairs. You can customize the bike to suit your needs, from cosmetics to performance. Keep your bike functional; the last thing you want is to be stranded. 

Days Gone, NoobFeed, Bend Studio, Gameplay, Screenshot

2. Be Smart, Craft Items, Power Deacon

Days Gone may look like a third-person action, but you'll need to use those survival-horror skills. This means locating items and materials for specialized tools and weapons. Deacon can also upgrade himself by clearing NERO checkpoints. These served as safe areas before the infection overwhelmed everyone to house the best items. They are also the most heavily guarded.

Days Gone, NoobFeed, Bend Studio, Gameplay, Screenshot

1. Smart Freakers

Unlike traditional zombies, which wander around looking for uninfected, the creatures within Days Gone are a bit more intelligent. They've been seen drinking, eating, sleeping, and acting differently based on the time of day. You can see the basic Swarmers, Screamers, which attract more Freakers, infected children known as Newts, who are very territorial, and the Breakers, who are giant body-builder-like creatures that will smash your head in.

The Freakers are not limited to just altered humans, with wildlife also getting infected. We've seen wolves, crows, and bears succumb to the infection. 

Freakers usually travel in packs, and they'll charge you in large amounts. Simply shooting won't work, and you'll have to act smart. Placing traps, having a way out, and never backing yourself into a corner. You can use Freakers to your advantage, luring them into enemy camps, but be smart about it. They'll attack any noninfected. 

Days Gone launches for PS4 this April 26th. Pre-order and obtain the Drifter crossbow early unlock, nitrous upgrade #1, gas tank upgrade #1, shroud upgrade #1

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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