Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Long Way Down Achievement Guide
Taking down a Helicopter the easy way
by Grayshadow on Oct 28, 2019
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is full of helicopters and one achievement has you taking 1 down by shooting the pilot. Here's the easiest way to do this.
To obtain Long Way Down start up the mission Proxy Way. When inside the airfield, where you reach the middle section 2 helicopters will appear in the sky, they're hard to miss. They'll start dropping troops and you'll be told to use the RC plane. Instead, aim at the pilot and shoot them. If done right the helicopter will start to spin and crash. Once destroyed, the achievement should pop.
There are 2 helicopters in this section so you have 2 chances to do this.
This achievement can be found in the mission Embedded. During the final moments of the mission, after blowing up the helicopters, you'll follow Farah into a field of dead bodies. She'll tell you to lay prone and avoid detection. Instead, get up and kill them all. Once they're all dead you'll get the achievement.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.
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