Control Anchor Boss Fight Location and Guide

Take down the Anchor

 by Grayshadow on  Aug 27, 2019

Control's Anchor boss is pretty well hidden. However, we found this exclusive Altered Item and how to defeat it.

Control,NoobFeed,Remedy Entertainment,

The start of the Anchor side mission can be located in the Containment Sector on the utmost right-hand side of Logistics. By a shelter, you'll find a fallen agent explaining that his partner needs help.

Head into the hotel and solve the clock puzzle presented. Simply ring the bell and match the time from the clock on the desk for the room that opens. Each time is different so make sure you match the right time. When completed a key will be presented and you'll get access to a locked area of The Oldest House.

Follow the path, save the medic, and kill the agent after he is consumed by the Hiss. Talk to the Medic one last time and you'll get the mission "The Enemy Within". You need Levitate before you can fight the boss.

Head back into the Locked Threshold Hall and into the 2-floor area with clocks all over the floor. There's a shelter, head inside and follow the path to get to the Achor.

The fight has you fighting a giant spinning sphere. To do major damage, throw an object into the opening when the Anchor is about to shoot. You can also shoot through the shielding using Pierce but this does little damage and doesn't work when the Anchor reaches 1/3 of its health.

NPCs will start to teleport into the battle. Increasing enemies will start to spawn aggressively as the battle progresses. Just keep throwing objects and the Anchor will die.

Control Xbox One X Review.
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Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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