Control Chapter 10 Walkthrough

Take Control

 by Grayshadow on  Aug 30, 2019

Control's final mission has you freeing yourself from a horrible fate and saving the world. Here's how to defeat the Hiss.

Control,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,

The chapter opens with Jesse inside the Bureau of Control, working as an office assistant. However, this is a vision constructed by the Hiss to keep their minds docile while using their bodies. First, complete 1 of the tasks. Doesn't matter what it is. Once done, head to the Director's office and knock on the door.

You'll get an objective to deliver the Director's mail soon. It's by the edge of the office, heading towards the Director's office. Grab the pod and take it to the office. Things will loop. Do it again, perform some task, head to the Director's office, head back, grab his mail, and delivery it. Do this until you get the prompt to see how the Hiss got into their world.

With the loop broke, now its time to save Dylon. Jesse will get a massive boost in her powers and attacks. Kill all the Hiss while getting closer to Dylon. Jesse is still a glass cannon so make sure to use cover when needed. Once you reach Dylon, Jesse will try to save him and the game will end. With Jesse now reflecting on everything that transpired.

Control Xbox One X Review.
Control Part 1
Control Part 2
Control Part 3
Control Part 4
Control Part 5
Control Part 6
Control Part 7
Control Part 8
Control Part 9
Control Part 10
Control and Alan Wake Connection
Langston Runaway
Mold Location
Mr Tommasi Boss Fight
Fridge Duty
Anchor Boss Fight
Mirror Boss Fight
Poets of the Fall Easter Egg

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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