Control Chapter 7 Walkthrough

Learn about Jesse and Dylon's past

 by Grayshadow on  Aug 30, 2019

Control has shown that the Bureau of Control has very powerful connections. And in Chapter 7 we learn that Jesse and Dylon have been people of interest for Control for a long time. If you need help completing this heavy information focused chapter, we have a guide for you.

Control,NoobFeed,Remedy Entertainment,

Chapter 7 starts off with an optional decision. With Jesse able to get information about the Hiss since he's technically infected by them. Dylon or that's what he calls himself, wants you to see something and you must head back to Containment inside the Prime Candidate Program sector. When inside the Security sector, head to the right side of the area, up the stairs, and in the back. There's where you'll find the door leading to the sector.

When inside you'll encounter more Hiss and a literally twisted room. Kill the Hiss and head to the right side of the sector to locate 3 rooms, each containing sensitive information about Jesse, Dylon, and another Control-based show. Inside Jesse's room, there's a door you can take to another area and an elevator with more Hiss to kill.

Take the elevator down and head into the Turnable, after clearing the Control point. Destroy all the mold clusters in the area before heading into the area opposite of where you started. Head downstairs and follow the path, killing the Hiss Distorted along the way. You'll come to a room with an unfinished plane. You need 2 batteries to power the outlets inside the room, on opposite sides of the plane are the batteries. One on top of some crates and the other inside a room.

Control,NoobFeed,Remedy Entertainment,

Clear out the Hiss, head down the stairs, and hit the button in the Control Room guarded by 1 Hiss to open the security gate. Follow the path and you'll find a replicate of Ordinary. After killing the Hiss, follow the stairs leading up, with a recording of Jesse's therapy session linking Alan Wake to Control. When inside the Dump, kill the Hiss and head inside the Yellow lab to finish the mission.

Control Xbox One X Review.
Control Part 1
Control Part 2
Control Part 3
Control Part 4
Control Part 5
Control Part 6
Control Part 7
Control Part 8
Control Part 9
Control Part 10
Control and Alan Wake Connection
Langston Runaway
Mold Location
Mr Tommasi Boss Fight
Fridge Duty
Anchor Boss Fight
Mirror Boss Fight
Poets of the Fall Easter Egg

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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