Control Fridge Duty | Former Boss Fight Guide
How to defeat the Former
by Grayshadow on Aug 27, 2019
Remember Philip from the Panopticon in Control? Well, he remembers you and needs help staring at an Altered Item. Here's how to stop the Fridge's reign of terror.
Head back to the fourth floor, by the Control Point and talk to him. He'll tell you to talk to Langston about finding someone to replace him. Do so and head back. With the door open you can attempt to help Philip but it's too late. The Fridge has killed him and now you have to stop it.
Interact with the Fridge and you'll be tossed into the Astral Plane. Here you'll face the Former. This creature has 2 major attacks, using its claw to break the floor and attack and shooting explosive orbs at you. That big eye is its weak point, shoot and throw stuff into it. If you have a powered up throw or melee you can toss back the energy orbs for major damage. The orbs can be evaded or shot as well.
The key is avoidance and watch your step as well. The claws will destroy the platform and if you fall, you'll die. Use Levitate and Evade to avoid most damage and shoot or toss back the orbs at the Former. It's doesn't have a lot of health but its accuracy is high and will eventually destroy the platform.
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