Feels like Christmas!

Other by Deliduck on  Aug 25, 2010

Today was like christmas when you were a kid for me... I knew the package was on it's way...I got the box...I ripped it open with child like enthusiasm and what was inside? See the picture below!



The action figures are what I got I already had the games. :P I got them from a online store that ships from japan. I payed 21.79$ Canadian dollars for the two and that includes the shipping! I was overjoyed to find them so cheap.

I'm not sure whether I will end up taking them out of their boxes or not. They may be too precious for me to do that. :P


EDIT: Ok I coulden't resist opening them here's some pics of them all with some of their accessories. You can interchange quite a few little parts on them which I was pleasently suprised with. However it is quite difficult to do as they are so small.




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