Hello Kitty Island Adventure Guide | How To Customize Furniture

Everything you need to know on how to customize furniture in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Jan 30, 2025

Hello Kitty Island Adventure has a ton of things to do, and one of them is customizing furniture. This guide will show you how to craft customized them.

How to Start Customizing Furniture

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Guide, How to Start Customizing Furniture

Take My Sweet Piano with you because she has the potential to assist you with furniture selection. Go to the My Sweet Piano shop section, which is located in My Melody's shop. Then, you see everything that can be customized.

How To Change Colors of The Furniture

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Guide, How To Change Colors of The Furniture

If you want to modify the color of wood, you must use wood and dye. If you want to modify the color of metal, you'll need iron and dye. To change the color of something made of fabric, such as a pillow, you will need cloth and dye. If it's leather, you'll use fabric and rubber, followed by dye pouches.

Use My Sweet Piano to Save Up Materials

My Sweet Piano's ability states that it can refund up to 30% of the material used for customization, but it actually does more. For example, if you have three fabrics and six dyes, you will receive a single fabric and two dyes, which is one-third of what you spent. However, if you use one fabric and two dyes, you will be refunded one fabric and one dye each.

Also Check out our Hello Kitty Island Adventure Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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