Luigi's Mansion 3 Boss Guide How to Defeat DJ Phantasmagloria

DJ Phantasmagloria is ready to fight

 by Grayshadow on  Nov 04, 2019

DJ Phantasmagloria's level is short but the boss fight is one of the best. Here's how to defeat the talented DJ.

Luigi's Mansion 3,NoobFeed,Nintendo, Next Level Games,DJ,

The fight opens with DJ's crew dancing around the arena with the elevator button. During the opening routine, start using ZL and ZR to find who has the button. Once exposed, that ghost will throw is to another one. Keep your eye on the right ghost; they also dance different from the rest. When you find the right one flash and suck them up. If you choose wrong you'll have to try again.

After the first phase, DJ Phantasmagloria will join the fight. She has 3 attacks. Throwing records that spin until Luigi using ZL and ZR to knock them off balance, throwing rolling records, and a spin attack. She'll teleport around the stage and destroy the record will leave a toxic green smoke, so be careful. The smoke does no damage but will give DJ Phantasmagloria enough time to escape.

The key here is to use ZL and ZR when close enough to push off DJ Phantasmagloria's wig. This will leave her vulnerable to attack. She'll repeat the same pattern until defeated, becoming more aggressive the less health she has.

Luigi's Mansion 3 is now available for Nintendo Switch.

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Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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