The Council - Episode 4: Burning Bridges - Confrontation Jacques Peru

How to calm Peru, again

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 25, 2018

The Council - Episode 4: Burning Bridges has another major conflict with Peru. If you saved his life during the previous episode the soldier will reappear, this time ready to kill Louis after finding out who he really is.

The Council,Episode 4,NoobFeed,Burning Bridges,Focus Home Interactive,

Pick the following:

I'd also like to know what's happening
Nothing, I'm the same
Your daughter will grow up without a father (must be learned when he's knocked out during episode 3)

Peru will put the gun down and allow Louis to continue on his venture.

Confrontation Paggi
Confrontation Von Wollner 1
Confrontation Napoleon
Confrontation Peru
Confrontation Von Wollner 2
Confrontation Emma

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