Interview: Amalie Marie Reisvaag aka Proxyfox

We spoke with Amalie Marie aka Proxyfox about her works and the video game industry.

People by Admin on  Sep 04, 2019

We spoke with Amalie Marie Reisvaag aka Proxyfox and let’s hear what he has to say about her works and the video game industry.

Interview, Amalie Marie Reisvaag, Proxyfox, Female, Streamer, Misfits Gaming


NoobFeed: Let’s start with a bit about yourself, for those readers who might not be familiar with you?

Amalie Marie: Amalie Marie Reisvaag: My name is Amalie, but I’m probably more known under my gamertag “Proxyfox” by now. I’m 22 years old from Norway, but currently live in Berlin to live that esports dream. I stream League of Legends (and a few other games) fulltime for Misfits Gaming! I’ve been streaming for almost 6 years now.


NoobFeed: When did you start playing games, and how did you get involved with this industry? Did you find it difficult to start streaming and gain such a large amount fans?

Amalie Marie: I started playing online games when I was probably around 8 years old. It started with multiplayer browser games, like Habbo Hotel, Club Penguin etc. Then through the people I met there we moved on to World of Warcraft and then later on League of Legends, which is now my main game. I found the gaming industry quite welcoming and fun, so I started going to a lot of LAN parties at the age of 15-16. From there I met a lot of people in the industry, that eventually gave me the network I needed for a job within esports.

Starting streaming was kind of challenging due to anonymous hate - which obviously comes anywhere you can be anonymous, like a twitch chat - but most of the feedback I got was surprisingly positive, which encouraged me to keep streaming.

So you moved to Berlin to pursue a career in esports, and worked at Dojo Madness as an Influencer Marketing Manager and then moved to H2K as a Substitute Midlaner, and now at Misfits as a Fulltime Streamer. Are you still pursuing a career at esports?

For now I’m only doing streaming and some other content on the side, like YouTube and social media. I might look into doing some more hosting type of jobs. I’ve finally learned how to be comfortable in front of the camera, and being more confident - so hopefully I get the opportunity to host more events. I probably won’t have the chance to do streaming for the rest of my life, but I do appreciate it as a job right now and I’m not looking to replace it anytime soon!


NoobFeed: What do you feel are the challenges of being on Twitch and other video/streaming sites?

Amalie Marie: Well, it’s hard, especially for newer streamers, to not care about the numbers. I’m lucky enough to not having to depend on them to make a living, due to my partnership with Misfits. But I remember previously how hard it was to keep grinding, and every single break was a major setback. But then again, streaming was and still is just something I do for fun, and am lucky enough to earn money from. I think that a lot of people start streaming and get so obsessed about the numbers and the money and forget how awesome it is as a hobby! I love streaming, playing video games and interacting with an audience. And I’m super grateful to be able to make money of it, but honestly I would still do it even if I didn’t.


NoobFeed: As a gamer, do you think that´s helped you with cosplay?

Amalie Marie: Well, I haven’t done many cosplays until now - only my Kim Possible cosplay at Gamescom last year. But I do think through streaming and a very supportive community I have slowly gained confidence which has led me to become curious of cosplay and more attention seeking outfits. I love styling outfits and trying new makeup and new styles etc. And I’m so happy to finally have the confidence to show everyone my interest through social media as well.


NoobFeed: What are your top 3 favourite video games?

Amalie Marie: League of Legends, Sly 3: Honor Amongst Thieves & Pokemon Stadium (the minigames!!!)

Interview, Amalie Marie Reisvaag, Proxyfox, Female, Streamer, Misfits Gaming


NoobFeed: What was the most challenging situation or problem you’ve had to solve while working for different outlets?

Amalie Marie: As I mentioned earlier there is always a lot of hate when people can be anonymous. I think that has been my biggest challenge to deal with. To live with having a bad reputation because you can’t speak up about anything. And even if you do people don’t care or you are causing drama. In the start it was hard for me that everyone picked on my appearance at all times, but now I have learned to live with those sorts of comments, regardless of what it is about. I’d like to thank my very supporting community, friends and boyfriend for really believing in me and always being there for me.


NoobFeed: Do you have any mentors or people from your past that helped inspire you and how?

Amalie Marie: Eefje aka Sjokz has always been a big inspiration for me. She is so kind and super talented - and I really wish I was as strong and amazing as she is! But I am working on it and her support means a lot ot me. Another big inspiration has been Pokimane. I love girls who just push through and make their own success.


NoobFeed: Is there a favourite project you’ve worked on recently, or maybe still are working on, and what made it fun for you personally?

Amalie Marie: Lately I’ve been working a lot with some small projects with Misfits Gaming - with more to come. Just a few videos from events and other funny stuff that is going on behind the scenes. I’ve also recently worked with a Norwegian TV show, with another one coming up that I’m also super excited about!


NoobFeed: Tell us about the LevelUp Agency? What is it about and what is going to be your role in there?

Amalie Marie: LevelUp Agency is the agency of my talent manager. So I’m just one of many influencers they take care of and handle contracts, sponsorships etc.


NoobFeed: Unfortunely sexism is still present in our world. How has your experience been so far on Twitch and other video/streaming sites?

Amalie Marie: I’ve experienced it a lot, and I’ve spoken up about it a few times, but unfortunately there’s a lot still untold because no one wants to burn any bridges, including me. Esports is still very male dominated and it’s a scary topic to bring up.


NoobFeed: Do you believe that in the near future publishers will start using models like you more to promote their games?

Amalie Marie: Hopefully! I think a lot of mainstream companies are already using a lot of gaming influencers to promote their brands, like f.ex Adidas. It makes me super excited to see!

Interview, Amalie Marie Reisvaag, Proxyfox, Female, Streamer, Misfits Gaming

Thanks to Amalie for doing the interview with us. We wish her all the very best with all of her ventures. Keep up with Amalie Marie Reisvaag by following her on twitter.


Admin, NoobFeed


Craig Bryan

Admin, NoobFeed

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