Online Games: The Passion of People Grows

Other by NestiShy on  Nov 29, 2021

The recent period of distancing and domestic isolation has led many people to approach the world of online games with even greater vigor in all forms and declinations. Logical to understand why: with physical gaming becoming impossible or, in any case, much less easy, anyone wishing to spend a few minutes or hours of leisure could not help but direct their attention towards online games, or more generally, to those internet sites that offer, in a safe and legitimate way, quality entertainment alternatives.

Passion for gaming

Today, the physical game has obviously slowed down, suffering sharp drops in "turnover" and interest. What has, therefore, occurred is a sort of "migration" from the physical platform to the digital one, with online channels that have been able to satisfy the ambitions of players to an extent that is perhaps higher than the expectations of the aficionados of gaming.

Who Has Played the Most?

As regards a "typical" player profile in our country, the person most attracted to online gaming is typically male and "adult", i.e., aged between 30 and 50 years. It is also woeful to think that the profile of the "typical" player is that of an assiduous consumer of digital games or of an "addict" to machines!

And the Young People?

Today, children between the ages of 15 and 19 have increased their approach towards video games and (for adults) also towards online games in general, with an increase recorded just during the quarantine period recently sent to the archive.

But what conclusions can we draw from this overview? First of all, we can certainly underline how the phenomenon of online games in our country is well "controlled", and largely oriented towards a fully aware and satisfying gaming experience. The average player profile is that of an adult who knows his limits well and who only wants to obtain pleasure from online gaming platforms that go beyond the actual possibility of obtaining a monetary win.

Secondly, we can certainly highlight how the domestic "constraint" endured by all people was a fundamental impulse to be able to favor a coherent migration towards digital channels. The result is that today, more and more people play online, substituting this propensity for that of playing in a "physical" arcade.

It now remains to be understood whether and how this migration will lead to established effects or whether gradually players who have switched to the online platform due to social distancing will revert to old habits. Probably, the operators themselves will play a decisive role in orienting or not the practices of game consumers towards digital platforms.

If online gaming will be able to adequately "monetize" this flow of new users through dedicated offers, increasingly qualified services, and constant attention to building a better user experience, it is likely that all of this can play a role.

Nestee Shy

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