Visions of Mana | All 38 Cacti Locations

Find all 38 cacti and Li'l Cactu will surprise you with something special.

Game Guide by SnowWhite on  Sep 01, 2024

There are a total of 38 cacti in Visions of Mana, with one in each of the locations. You will find the very first cacti as the narrative progresses. Once you've located the first cacti, the rest of the 37 will appear randomly in different locations. So, to find some of them, you will need to return to the locations you previously visited. Some places that may be explored are only available toward the story's conclusion; however, you are free to collect them whenever you like.

The following bonuses will be awarded to you if you are successful in gathering all 38 cacti in Visions of Mana:

Locate 1 cacti: Shows the total amount of elementite locations and treasure chests that have not yet been found.

No. 1 cacti Location: Rime Falls (Given automatically in-game)

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Rime Falls

No. 2 cacti Location: Tianeea, the Fire Village

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Tianeea, the Fire Village

No. 3 cacti Location: Charred Passage

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Charred Passage

No. 4 cacti Location: Aery Passage

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Aery Passage

No. 5 cacti Location: Longren, the Vale of Wind

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Longren, the Vale of Wind

Locate 5 cacti: A discount of 10% at shops.

No. 6 cacti Location: Mt. Gala

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Mt. Gala

No. 7 cacti Location: Lefeya Drifts

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Lefeya Drifts

No. 8 cacti Location: Etaern, the Moonlit Parish

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Etaern, the Moonlit Parish

No. 9 cacti Location: Fallow Steppe

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Fallow Steppe

No. 10 cacti Location: Rhata Harbor

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Rhata Harbor

Locate  10: Cuts in half the time required to escape from battle.

No. 11 cacti Location: Ledgas Bay

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Ledgas Bay

No. 12 cacti Location: Pritta Ridge

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Pritta Ridge

No. 14 cacti Location: Illystana, Capital of the Deep

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Illystana, Capital of the Deep

No. 14 cacti Location: Luka Ruins

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Luka Ruins

No. 15 cacti Location: Reignus Shrine

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Reignus Shrine

Locate 15 cacti: A discount of 20% at shops.

No. 16 cacti Location: Ahrvet’s Pasture

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Ahrvet’s Pasture

No. 17 cacti Location: Rura Gorge

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Rura Gorge

No. 18 cacti Location: Deade Cliffs

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Deade Cliffs

No. 19 cacti Location: Entwine Bridgepass

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Entwine Bridgepass

No. 20 cacti Location: Khaswia Moors

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Khaswia Moors

Locate  20 cacti: 1.5 times the amount of EXP received during battle.

No. 21 cacti Location: Free City of Tsaata

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Free City of Tsaata

No. 22 cacti Location: Tatoh Temple

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Tatoh Temple

No. 23 cacti Location: Zawhak Desert

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Zawhak Desert

No. 24 cacti Location: Gudju, the Earth Village

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Gudju, the Earth Village

No. 25 cacti Location: Gamurda Mines

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Gamurda Mines

Locate 25 cacti: A discount of 30% at shops.

No. 26 cacti Location: Mylos Woods

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Mylos Woods

No. 27 cacti Location: Verdeus Borough

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Verdeus Borough

No. 28 cacti Location: Sanctuary Entrance

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Sanctuary Entrance

No. 29 cacti Location: Log’grattzo Dark Archives

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Log’grattzo Dark Archives

No. 30 cacti Location: Passagean Tomespire

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Passagean Tomespire

Locate 30 cacti: 2 times the amount of EXP received during battle.

No. 31 cacti Location: Radiant Playhouse Terratio

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Radiant Playhouse Terratio

No. 32 cacti Location: Temple of Wendel

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Temple of Wendel

No. 33 cacti Location: Dorpher Volcano

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Dorpher Volcano

No. 34 cacti Location: Wind Sanctum

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Wind Sanctum

No. 35 cacti Location: Castle Cresceno

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Castle Cresceno

No. 36 cacti Location: Luka Ruins Undertemple

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Luka Ruins Undertemple

No. 37 cacti Location: Floating Isle of Ulul

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Floating Isle of Ulul

No. 38 cacti Location: Distorted Sanctuary

Visions of Mana, All 38 Cacti, Cacti Locations, Distorted Sanctuary

Located 38 cacti: Li'l Cactu will surprise you with something special: the ability to regenerate 2% of your CS gauge every 5 seconds and the "Cactus Confidant" achievement.

I hope the guide helps. Good luck finding them all. Also, check out my Visions of Mana review.


Asura Kagawa

Editor, NoobFeed

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