Control Chapter 3 Walkthrough

Lift the internal lockdown in Control

 by Grayshadow on  Aug 26, 2019

Jesse is no stranger to manual labor and in chapter 3 of Control she gets to relive those glory days. With Jesse taking on the role of Assistant Janitor and fixing the coolant systems. That or the entire building explodes.

Control,Remedy Entertainment,505 Games,NoobFeed,

First off, head into the elevator to enter the Maintenance section. Follow the signs to your old friend Ahti. Follow the signs to his office and kill the Hiss. After clearing the second large room, before you head into his office you should see a room blinking red. DO NOT LEAVE THIS. Head inside and complete the challenge to obtain the evade ability.

After, Ahti will explain, in his own way, that you must repair the coolant pipes and restore power or things will get very bad very quickly. Head towards the back room and through the paths provided. When upstairs, talk to the security chief. Now, it's up to you which path to take.

If you decide to fix the NSC Coolant Pumps, just throw the yellow power batteries into the slots. There's 2 on the bottom floor and 1 on the top floor. The first 1 is by the entrance to the area, take a right and hug the wall to find the next pipe. This one is clogged and requires you to kill the creature doing it. Just aim for the bright yellow parts in each of its weak points.

When complete Hiss will attack and a large brute will come down the elevator. Nothing Jesse can't handle.

The NSC Energy Converters are easier. Head into the area and on the go forward. Starting from the right, inside the second room, just slot the batteries into the large tower in the middle. Each area will unlock as you place the batteries, with Hiss coming to stop you.

Once you've cleared both head into the NSC Control Room. To get there head to the NSC Energy Converters and go right. An elevator is in the next door. Head to the Control room and start killing Hiss and capture the Control Point. Once done, in the top of the room is a special key slot. Activate the cutscene and headback to Emily.

Control Xbox One X Review.
Control Part 1
Control Part 2
Control Part 3
Control Part 4
Control Part 5
Control Part 6
Control Part 7
Control Part 8
Control Part 9
Control Part 10
Control and Alan Wake Connection
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Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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