Control Chapter 4 Walkthrough

Find the head of your Security

 by Grayshadow on  Aug 26, 2019

The Oldest House in Control has a lot of deadly Hiss but the head of security. That's what Jesse must locate in chapter 4, her head of security Marshall.

Control,NoobFeed,505 Games,

Like before, head to the Elevator and go to Research. Parapsychology, where Marshall is located, is locked behind a Hiss wall. Kill the Hiss in the entire area and head to Darling's office on the top room to get the area to unlock. If the area still does not unlock, leave the area and come back. This will usually resolve the glitch. If you have some time, there is a special Poets of the Fall easter egg in this area as well.

Restore power by throwing the batteries, located on opposite ends of the room the creature is housed, into the slots located by the large doorway. Then push 1 of the buttons located all over the room. This will unlock both the big and small doors. Head inside and when the creature is in, shoot it to slow it down and push 1 of the buttons again. This will trap the creature. 

Fight through the Hiss and eventually, you'll make it to the Elevator where Marshal but the Hiss will attempt to stop you once more. When upstairs, Marshall will inform you that her Rangers are currently fighting against the Hiss and need help. To which Jesse volunteers to assist. 

It's here that you fight the Hiss Warped for the first time. Simply throw an object to lower its shield and shoot it or throw something else at it. The room has plenty of explosives to use against the smaller enemies.

After seeing some Objects of Power and you'll come to a locked door. It's a simple puzzle but from the start the solution is right, left, left, up, up.

Now, locate the push cards. There's 4 on the ground floor and one in the upper floor. The stairs are by the forklift.

The card pattern is as follow. Remember that the kiosk are numbered on the side. 5 is located on the bottom floor and 4 on the top:

Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,


Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,


Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,


Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,


Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,

And that's chapter 4.

Control Xbox One X Review.
Control Part 1
Control Part 2
Control Part 3
Control Part 4
Control Part 5
Control Part 6
Control Part 7
Control Part 8
Control Part 9
Control Part 10
Control and Alan Wake Connection
Langston Runaway
Mold Location
Mr Tommasi Boss Fight
Fridge Duty
Anchor Boss Fight
Mirror Boss Fight
Poets of the Fall Easter Egg

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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