Control Langston's Runaways Guide

Obtain all the runaway Altered Items

 by Grayshadow on  Aug 27, 2019

After completing the Fridge side mission Langston will have Jesse attempting to locate missing Altered Items. And we know where they all.

Control,Remedy Entertainment,505 Games,NoobFeed,

Moving Letters

The letter is found directly ahead from the Control Point. You'll see the bright red glow easily. Head to it and it'll start teleporting around. Watch for a pattern and interact with it.

Next, levitate to the top floor and you'll find the red hue on the first floor of the office above the Control Point. 

The last letter is on the top floor. Use the stairs to get above the location. You'll find the red glow on a bunch of cabinets.

Traffic Light

This is found in Panopicon's 4th floor in the Fort. Units section. Head inside and only run towards the item when the light is green. It's basically the game Red Light Green Light.

Hand Chair

This is located in the Medical Wing by the mold-covered area where all the showers are. You'll see a bunch of objects being drawn to it. Shoot the objects and get the chair to fall. Once done, clear any surrounding items to cleanse the item.

Japanese Paper Lantern

This item is located by the Anchor boss fight's shelter covered by clocks in the Seal Threshold Hall. You'll see the red hue. Simple clear the items by any means and cleanse the item.

Part 2


From the Control Point at the Sealed Thersold Corridor, follow the same path that the medic took and you'll see a glowing pink hue. Once you get close it'll attempt to run, use Levitate to get close. Then you'll face the Former once again. It's the same fight again. Hurl items at it and avoid the claws.


Located in the curled hallway of the Prime Candidate Program. In the 2nd floor of the spiraling hallway on the 2nd floor is the mannequin. When located its duplicate itself, with each duplicate look at Jesse when she turns away.

Look for the Mannequin on the 2nd floor, all the way in the back with 3 other mannequins. It'll be the only one that look at Jesse when she looks away.


By Darling's where you did the Punch Card puzzle, head to the entrance and to the back wall. You should see a door, on the map is highlighted with a dark path leading to the Duck's room.

Head inside and inside the room is a generator. Look up to see a door leading to a hallway. Head into the Duck's room, now you have to catch it.

This is the final item Langston will need from you. 

Control Xbox One X Review.
Control Part 1
Control Part 2
Control Part 3
Control Part 4
Control Part 5
Control Part 6
Control Part 7
Control Part 8
Control Part 9
Control Part 10
Control and Alan Wake Connection
Langston Runaway
Mold Location
Mr Tommasi Boss Fight
Fridge Duty
Anchor Boss Fight
Mirror Boss Fight
Poets of the Fall Easter Egg

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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