Control and Alan Wake Are Connected

Alan Wake and Jesse Faden's shared universe confirmed in Control

 by Grayshadow on  Aug 29, 2019

Remedy Entertainment is notorious for having references to their other projects within their games and Control isn't an exception. However, Remedy went the extra mile. Going as far as to link Alan Wake to Control, showcasing that these games are actually connected.

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Many References

Throughout Control references to Poets of the Fall's video game version, Old Gods of Asgard, and Thomas Zane are made. An entire studio is dedicated to the band and they're even used in the gameplay as critical features for Jesse's adventure. Making this more than just an easter egg.

Thomas Zane isn't just an easter egg as well. Jesse makes reference that she has read his poetry but the interviewer she's talking to cannot find any record of him. This is because Zane wrote himself out of existence before the events of Alan Wake. Which means that Jesse has access to his poetry or was able to evade the memory wipe.

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More Connections

These could just be easter eggs and Remedy is messing with the player. During late in the game you come across a new area called Prime Candidate Program. Here you can find documents that directly state that the Bureau of Control not only is aware of what happened in Bright Falls but directly contacted Alan Wake's wife Alice and his best friend Barry.

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One Last Piece of Evidence

If that wasn't enough, within the Panopticon's 5th floor you can find a hidden area. Inside you can find a page of the manuscript, along with a vision of Alan speaking to Jesse. This shows that the Bureau was able to obtain a piece of the script but not the Typewriter, which was labeled by Control as an Object of Power. With this new information, we can confirm that the Dark Presence comes from the Astral Plane.

Alan Wake's world is the same place Control is set. It's possible that both Jesse and Alan will cross paths considering that Alan is still trapped in The Dark Place and with this new information we could assume its the Astral Plane. We could also see a new threat emerge with the Former. A deadly creature that is shown to have extreme power and attacks Jesse multiple times. Either way, it seems that Alan could gain a strong ally in the future.

Control Xbox One X Review.
Control Part 1
Control Part 2
Control Part 3
Control Part 4
Control Part 5
Control Part 6
Control Part 7
Control Part 8
Control Part 9
Control Part 10
Control and Alan Wake Connection
Langston Runaway
Mold Location
Mr Tommasi Boss Fight
Fridge Duty
Anchor Boss Fight
Mirror Boss Fight
Poets of the Fall Easter Egg

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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