Control Chapter 9 Walkthrough

Get through the Ashtray Maze

 by Grayshadow on  Aug 30, 2019

It's time to take on the Ashtray Maze. With Ahti's headphones and music player, we can venture into the maze but there's more to this chapter than a living maze.

Control,NoobFeed,505 games,Remedy Entertainment,

When you enter the maze you'll be greeted with a unique musical score from Poets of the Fall playing as Old Gods of Asgard. With this track, you can complete the maze. It's straight forward, follows the paths and kill the Hiss. However, be prepared as these combat challenges are not easy and require mods above level 4.

Once through, you'll come to a large area filled with sand. Head to the opposite end and levitate up. Cross the platforms and head into Darlings' main office. When inside, solve the simple cube puzzle. It's left, right, right, right, up, up. Now you have access to Polaris or better known as Hedron.

When inside, you'll encounter several powerful Hiss companies. Make sure you have at least level 4 and above mods and skills before heading inside, or you'll die easily. First up is destroying the 3 satellites on the ground floor. Next, you have to destroy the other satellites above. 

Control,NoobFeed,505 games,Remedy Entertainment,

The first battle is easy, throw and shoot your way through foot soldier Hiss. Next, battle has you against Hiss Elevated and foot soldiers. If you have advance Throw, you can use the satellites as weapons. It's great for tossing the Hiss who can't fly off the platform.

Next, you have to face various rangers and heavy brutes. Use the pillar as a defense and take aim at the weaker enemies first. The Precision Service Weapon option is best here. Also, remember to take out the sniper above the pillar. Remember, before leaping to the next section to kill the enemies ready to shoot you out of the air. If killed you have to start the whole thing over.

The last section is the hardest. You have 2 Hiss Warped and Rangers to deal with. Push as many Hiss off the platform while also keeping an eye on the Warped. When they're about to throw something, hurl something their way to keep them stunned. Shooting is also ideal but it won't stun them. You can also hop onto the platform they're on for adding more room to move.

Once done, Jesse will feel like she stopped the Hiss but she didn't Things just got worse.

Control Xbox One X Review.
Control Part 1
Control Part 2
Control Part 3
Control Part 4
Control Part 5
Control Part 6
Control Part 7
Control Part 8
Control Part 9
Control Part 10
Control and Alan Wake Connection
Langston Runaway
Mold Location
Mr Tommasi Boss Fight
Fridge Duty
Anchor Boss Fight
Mirror Boss Fight
Poets of the Fall Easter Egg

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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