Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Hot Swap Achievement Guide

8 weapons, 8 kills

 by Grayshadow on  Oct 28, 2019

One of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's hardest achievements is Hot Swap, requiring you to get a kill with 8 different weapons. Here's how to get this achievement.

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During the mission Old Comrades, you'll first get access to a handgun. Grab whatever one you want and head outside. After killing the first set of enemies, check their bodies and see if you can find other variations of handguns. Much of this achievement requires luck.

Head inside and kill the next set of enemies. Instead, the first room where you see the Butcher you'll find an MP7 on the table. This is the first of 5 guarantee weapons you'll get. The next room is the pool hall. Kill the enemies and grab the 680 shotgun on the pool table.

Grab whatever new weapon you can as well. Remember you're chasing the Butcher, if you take too long he'll getaway. If you happen to fail, just reload the checkpoint. Next is the kitchen, kill the target and grab the P90. The next set of enemies have random weapons. Save the AK-47 for the final set of enemies inside the second bar, this is the most common weapon the enemies use. Instead, focus on the FR 5.56, .50 GS, and UZI.

At the final part of the level when the Butcher is captured and your' inside the van you'll see 3 weapons. This is the final set of weapons; an RPG, frag grenade, and M91. The achievement will only trigger at the beginning of the cutscene where you're interrogating the Butcher.

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This achievement can be found in the mission Embedded. During the final moments of the mission, after blowing up the helicopters, you'll follow Farah into a field of dead bodies. She'll tell you to lay prone and avoid detection. Instead, get up and kill them all. Once they're all dead you'll get the achievement.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

Play Dead

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Hot Swap

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Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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