Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Circus Tour Achievement Guide

Save the civilians

 by Grayshadow on  Oct 28, 2019

One of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's first missions has you saving as many civilians as possible from a terrorist attack. And if you do there's an achievement called Circus Tour.

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You have 4 areas you'll need to clear; 2 subway tunnels and 2 stores. When heading to the main square your first area to clear is the tunnel on the left. Inside you'll see 2 terrorists executing civilians and 2 terrorists will come out attempting to kill you. After it's clear, head out where you came and across the street is the AuralChic.

Inside you'll find another terrorist that is killing civilians. Once cleared head outside through main entrance and in the far right of the map is the second tunnel. When inside exit out the opposite staircase to trigger the suicide bomber, kill him before he gets too close.

On the opposite side of the tunnel is the Reading Palace. Inside you have to clear the main floor, the staircase, and the top floor. Once done, the achievement should pop.

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This achievement can be found in the mission Embedded. During the final moments of the mission, after blowing up the helicopters, you'll follow Farah into a field of dead bodies. She'll tell you to lay prone and avoid detection. Instead, get up and kill them all. Once they're all dead you'll get the achievement.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

Play Dead

Trigger Discipline

Hot Swap

Wall Hax

Ashes to Ashes

Long Way Down

Wild Fire

Circus Tour

Something on Your Face

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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