Luigi's Mansion 3 Boss Guide How to Defeat Steward

Defeat the first boss in Luigi's Mansion 3

 by Grayshadow on  Nov 04, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 is full of powerful ghosts for Luigi to hunt. The first being the Steward. Here's how to defeat him.

Steward,NoobFeed,Luigi's Mansion 3,

The Steward is a basic boss fight. He'll use the briefcases to shield himself from your flashlight. Simply use ZL and ZR to blast into the air when he's close. This will remove his protection and allow you to flash him. At that point, it's just about whittling away his health.

Luigi's Mansion 3 is now available for Nintendo Switch.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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