Rumor: Activision Blizzard to Close France Office

Due to Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic Activision Blizzard is rumored to be closing their France office

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 06, 2020

Activision Blizzard has an infamous history of poorly treating both their employees and customers. With recent reports of poor salaries leading to employees skipping meals, overpaid executives, and heavy monetization tactics used in their most popular games. Recently Bloomberg reported that Activision Blizzard is going to close its Versailles, France office, which employs 400 people, due to Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic.


According to a report from reporter Jason Schreier:

The company originally planned to relocate half of the office to London, according to the people, who spoke anonymously because they didn’t want to risk losing their severance for discussing private information. However, the twin factors of Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic have inhibited that process, leading to the decision to shutter the site.

It’s not yet clear how many people will lose their jobs or how many will be given the opportunity to relocate to other offices, but French labor laws force companies to negotiate significant compensation packages for employees caught up in mass layoffs.

During this difficult time unemployment is continuing to rise. With businesses closing rapidly due to the lack of commerce because of social distancing policies while the world combats the deadly virus.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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