Sims 4 Goes Free to Play

Starting October 18 all copies of Sims 4 will be free.

News by Fragnarok on  Sep 30, 2022

Electronic Arts has announced that the Sims 4 base game will become completely free of charge. This includes on the PC and Mac versions on both Origin and Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. Digital versions sold close to the announcement are able to be refunded. Long-time Sims 4 owners will get the Desert Luxe Kit for free. This kit is oasis themed and provides various furniture for any sim’s household.

Sims 4|Maxis|Electronic Arts|Origin|EA Play

While the base game is free, every remaining expansion, pack, and kit will still cost some amount of money. In fact, the move to free-to-play seems mostly a means to onboard more players to Sim 4’s DLC and other promotions. Those that subscribe to EA Play will also be further enticed, gaining Get to Work Expansion via the standard EA Play membership and Toddler Pack if on EA Play Pro. As with most EA Play content, unsubscribing will make such expansions inaccessible and possibly conflict with those that do own the free version of the Sims 4.

Kurtis Seid, NoobFeed

Kurtis Seid

Contributor, NoobFeed

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